Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Israeli settler-IDF terrorism 7/30//2024

                                                Israeli settler-IDF terrorism

The viral video, shown on a recent John Oliver show,  showing a confrontation between a Palestinian woman and an Israeli settler underscores the personal struggles faced by many Palestinians. This incident reflects a broader issue of displacement and settlement expansion that significantly impacts the region.
To provide some context, Israel was established in 1948, fulfilling the Zionist movement’s aspirations in the wake of the Holocaust. This period, marked by the War of Independence for Israelis and the Nakba (Catastrophe) for Palestinians, saw 700,000 Palestinians displaced from their homes amidst violence and massacres. Some became refugees in neighboring countries, while others resettled in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Six-Day War of 1967, which resulted in Israel defeating Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, led to the capture of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel began constructing settlements in these territories, an action that violates international law. Despite warnings from its own legal advisers that civilian settlements contravened the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel proceeded with expansion.
The Oslo Accords in the 1990s offered a glimmer of hope for peace by dividing the West Bank into Areas A, B, and C, each with different levels of Palestinian and Israeli control. However, this arrangement, intended to be temporary, has since become entrenched, with settlement expansion continuing despite the collapse of the peace process. From about 250,000 settlers at the time of Oslo, the number has now risen to around 700,000.
Israeli politicians have ensured that the number of settlements has increased, supported by government policies offering various inducements such as financial perks, equity loans, and improved infrastructure including schools and parks.
In contrast, Palestinians have faced constant settler violence, often with support from Israel’s IDF security forces. Many Palestinians have been evicted from their homes under duress, with the U.S. government’s substantial economic and military aid to Israel exacerbating the situation. This ongoing injustice undermines our claims of a just system and raises serious concerns about our moral and ethical stance.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

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