Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump & Biden 7/13/2024

                                                  Trump & Biden

I’m not used to the Trump of the past two weeks, who has stripped the Republican Party platform of several extremist flourishes and distanced himself (for now) from the Heritage Foundation’s designs for a quasi-autocratic, demi-theocratic America.
This version of Trump scares me much more than the unhinged one. It tells me he understands the significance of the June 27 debate, realizes the virtue of stepping back while pundits pummel President Biden, and can muster the discipline to do so. He smells victory in November like never before.
Trump is relying on more than hyperbole as he looks to Election Day. His personal edits of his party’s platform, his advisers’ urging him not to vow political retribution, and their micro-targeting of crucial voters in pivotal states show a calculated strategy. In The Atlantic, Tim Alberta wrote that Trump’s advisers represent a threat unlike anything Democrats encountered during the 2016 or 2020 elections.
Democratic leaders must not underestimate Trump. The polls reflect voters’ apprehensions about Biden’s fitness, which can’t simply be wished away. Trump may show voters a side that doesn’t mimic the plots of “Jaws” and “The Silence of the Lambs,” and this is why the Democrats’ decisions matter so much in the coming days. Biden has already displayed a chronic weakness to Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu maintaining economic and military support ignoring Israel’s horrific war crimes of mass killing and starvation of Palestinians. Biden’s embarrassing missteps should not be tolerated, this should not be Biden’s choice. Would you like a doctor with shaky fingers operating on your gall bladder? The Dems should nominate a suitable replacement NOW!

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