Thursday, July 4, 2024

President Biden 7/4/2024

                                                                 President Biden

President Biden has indeed faced challenging events, but in my opinion, he has waited far too long. The damage from the debate is already done, and I don't think there's anything he can do to change public perception at this point.

I hope all this "we're still in it" talk by the Biden team is just public fodder while behind-the-scenes discussions are taking place about the orderly logistics of a transition to new candidates. I am hopeful tonight's meeting with governors, several of whom are likely potential Biden/Harris replacements, is a big part of that transition conversation. Step away gracefully before any more damage is done and save our democracy from Trump. Let’s nominate a competent, younger candidate who will bury Trump before SCOTUS finishes coronating him.
The most patriotic thing Biden can do now is to release his delegates and go for an open convention. I wish him well. I do not want his legacy tarnished in the way that Ruth Bader Ginsburg tarnished hers. Perhaps a sufficiently large chorus of appreciative supporters asking him to step down could help him do the right thing.
It would be so much better for everyone (except Republicans) if President Biden withdrew his candidacy for re-election:
1.      The focus on age would shift to Trump.
2.      President Biden's awful debate performance would evaporate since he would no longer be a candidate.
3.      The Democratic Party would be seen as capable, not culpable.
4.      A younger candidate would eviscerate Donald Trump's candidacy and make plain all Trump deserves is a one-way ticket to political oblivion.
Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu has judged a weakness in President Biden and is capitalizing on that weakness, forcing him to maintain a constant supply of weapons and remain silent about the starvation and killing of Palestinians—a cardinal sin which has adversely affected his presidency. America is on the wrong side of human justice and needs to recalibrate its moral compass before more damage is done. Spain, Norway, and Ireland have pushed for a separate Palestinian state along with over 140 countries around the world. America, principally Biden, should hear their call and recognize that Palestinians deserve a separate state.
Mr. Biden, it’s time to leave office. We need a younger man to challenge the potential disastrous presidency of Trump, who will take us to the dark side of politics.

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