Thursday, July 11, 2024

President Biden Must Step Down for the Good of the Nation 7/11/2024

                                       President Biden Must Step Down for the Good of the Nation

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding President Biden's ability to effectively lead our nation. It should not be solely President Biden’s choice to remain in office. He must demonstrate his fitness for the presidency through rigorous medical and cognitive tests.
Consider the following: pilots, doctors, nurses, lawyers, and drivers must prove they are safe to perform their duties through periodic stringent tests. Likewise, numerous other professionals are subjected to similar standards. President Biden must place the country’s welfare above his personal ambitions and undergo rigorous medical evaluations.
It is not just President Biden who should be held to this standard. Members of Congress and Supreme Court justices over the age of 75 should also undergo rigorous medical evaluations to ensure they are fit to serve.
Moreover, President Biden's decision to send weapons and economic aid to Israel has made every American complicit in the ensuing conflicts, which many consider war crimes. We must cease the provision of weapons to avoid further complicity.
In light of these points, I urge President Biden to step down and prioritize the nation's well-being over personal ambitions. Too much time is being squandered while he is constantly dodging the media. Stop procrastinating, Mr. President!

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