Saturday, July 27, 2024

Israel, doctors speak out! 7/27/2024

                                                  Israel, doctors speak out!

The situation in Gaza is nothing short of a humanitarian crisis, and the voices of American doctors, nurses, and surgeons who have volunteered in Gaza since October 7 should not be ignored.
The open letter from these 45 healthcare professionals to President Biden and Vice President Harris outlines the dire conditions in Gaza. According to their observations, more than 92,000 people, which is over 4% of Gaza’s population, have perished—a number significantly higher than typically reported. These professionals describe a devastating scenario where nearly everyone in Gaza is either sick, injured, or both, and where basic necessities such as running water and sanitary facilities are almost nonexistent.
The US and many of our European allies have long lost the moral high ground and are merely responding to political pressures .
Netanyahu’s recent trip to Washington was more of a vanity trip to escape the seething anger from the people of Israel who have regrettably  shown callous unconcern for the lives of Palestinians. It is time to end this conflict by calling for a ceasefire, ending the draconian occupation, and applying maximum pressure on Kamala Harris to ensure she abandons the disastrous policy of pandering to the war criminal Netanyahu. Biden has shown appalling weakness in supporting military actions that lead to the systematic destruction and displacement of the Palestinian people.
As the U.S. potentially transitions in leadership, it is imperative that we reassess our foreign policy and military aid strategies. We must prioritize humanitarian efforts and advocate for an end to the blockade and occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Let is not repeat the appalling crimes we committed against our native Indians.
The American public must not become desensitized to the suffering in Gaza, and it is our duty to speak out against these injustices.
For more go to:

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