Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Israeli settler-IDF terrorism 7/30//2024

                                                Israeli settler-IDF terrorism

The viral video, shown on a recent John Oliver show,  showing a confrontation between a Palestinian woman and an Israeli settler underscores the personal struggles faced by many Palestinians. This incident reflects a broader issue of displacement and settlement expansion that significantly impacts the region.
To provide some context, Israel was established in 1948, fulfilling the Zionist movement’s aspirations in the wake of the Holocaust. This period, marked by the War of Independence for Israelis and the Nakba (Catastrophe) for Palestinians, saw 700,000 Palestinians displaced from their homes amidst violence and massacres. Some became refugees in neighboring countries, while others resettled in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Six-Day War of 1967, which resulted in Israel defeating Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, led to the capture of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel began constructing settlements in these territories, an action that violates international law. Despite warnings from its own legal advisers that civilian settlements contravened the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel proceeded with expansion.
The Oslo Accords in the 1990s offered a glimmer of hope for peace by dividing the West Bank into Areas A, B, and C, each with different levels of Palestinian and Israeli control. However, this arrangement, intended to be temporary, has since become entrenched, with settlement expansion continuing despite the collapse of the peace process. From about 250,000 settlers at the time of Oslo, the number has now risen to around 700,000.
Israeli politicians have ensured that the number of settlements has increased, supported by government policies offering various inducements such as financial perks, equity loans, and improved infrastructure including schools and parks.
In contrast, Palestinians have faced constant settler violence, often with support from Israel’s IDF security forces. Many Palestinians have been evicted from their homes under duress, with the U.S. government’s substantial economic and military aid to Israel exacerbating the situation. This ongoing injustice undermines our claims of a just system and raises serious concerns about our moral and ethical stance.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Monday, July 29, 2024

The Golan Heights 7/29/2024

                                                        The Golan Heights,

Israel's occupation of the area began in 1967, fully backed by the United States. This annexation is widely regarded as illegal under international law. The U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights in 2019 only deepened this controversy, as it contravened United Nations resolutions and international consensus.
This situation highlights a glaring inconsistency in U.S. foreign policy. While the U.S. strongly criticizes Russia's actions in Ukraine, labeling them as illegal attempts at annexation, it simultaneously supports Israel's occupation and annexation of the Golan Heights. This double standard undermines the credibility of the U.S. as a proponent of international law and human rights. It also reflects a broader failure in U.S. Middle Eastern policy, where strategic alliances often overshadow principles of justice and legality.
The Golan Heights issue is not merely a regional matter but a test case for the application of international law and the consistency of global powers in upholding it. The continued occupation and annexation, supported by the U.S., set a dangerous precedent that could encourage similar actions elsewhere, further destabilizing global peace and security.
It is time for the international community, including the U.S., to re-examine its policies and practices concerning occupied territories. The principles of international law should be applied uniformly, regardless of the actors involved. Only then can we hope to see a fair and just resolution to conflicts and a consistent global stance on issues of occupation and annexation.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Israel, doctors speak out! 7/27/2024

                                                  Israel, doctors speak out!

The situation in Gaza is nothing short of a humanitarian crisis, and the voices of American doctors, nurses, and surgeons who have volunteered in Gaza since October 7 should not be ignored.
The open letter from these 45 healthcare professionals to President Biden and Vice President Harris outlines the dire conditions in Gaza. According to their observations, more than 92,000 people, which is over 4% of Gaza’s population, have perished—a number significantly higher than typically reported. These professionals describe a devastating scenario where nearly everyone in Gaza is either sick, injured, or both, and where basic necessities such as running water and sanitary facilities are almost nonexistent.
The US and many of our European allies have long lost the moral high ground and are merely responding to political pressures .
Netanyahu’s recent trip to Washington was more of a vanity trip to escape the seething anger from the people of Israel who have regrettably  shown callous unconcern for the lives of Palestinians. It is time to end this conflict by calling for a ceasefire, ending the draconian occupation, and applying maximum pressure on Kamala Harris to ensure she abandons the disastrous policy of pandering to the war criminal Netanyahu. Biden has shown appalling weakness in supporting military actions that lead to the systematic destruction and displacement of the Palestinian people.
As the U.S. potentially transitions in leadership, it is imperative that we reassess our foreign policy and military aid strategies. We must prioritize humanitarian efforts and advocate for an end to the blockade and occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Let is not repeat the appalling crimes we committed against our native Indians.
The American public must not become desensitized to the suffering in Gaza, and it is our duty to speak out against these injustices.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Friday, July 26, 2024

"Genocide Joe’s" Legacy 7/26/2024

                                               "Genocide Joe’s" Legacy

What is the definition of terrorism? Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Violence or the threat of violence is the primary tool used to create fear and achieve objectives. The Israeli government has declared that it, and only it, has exclusive rights to the land of Israel, denying Palestinians any rights and the possibility of a Palestinian state. This echoes our appalling history of slaughtering Native Americans and expropriating their ancestral lands.
Bowing to pressure, all prior US administrations from 1947 supported Jewish armed groups who forced Palestinians from their lands, described as the Nakba. Fast forward to the Biden administration, which rushed to Israel following the October 7 Hamas attack cynically orchestrated by Netanyahu, then embraced Prime Minister Netanyahu—a war criminal—and reaffirmed US support for Israel while ignoring the massive terror attacks that slaughtered well over 40,000 Palestinians using US bombs. VP Harris has pledged her support to Israel, putting her political fortunes over the lives of Palestinian civilians. Settler terrorism, in the West Bank,  is also on the rise.
Mountains of innocent blood, especially babies, will be Biden's and perhaps Harris's legacy. Do the Palestinians have the right to live free from the iron boots of Israeli terrorism and occupation forever? Sadly, the world has witnessed another appalling drama, from the genocidal attacks by the Nazis against the Jews culminating in the Holocaust to the systematic annihilation of the Palestinians by Israel

Britain & Israel 7/26/2024

                                                      Britain & Israel

For ten months, Britain's Conservative government closely aligned with the United States in its response to the conflict. However, with the new Labour government, there is a noticeable shift. Prime Minister Starmer is expected to drop the previous government’s objections to the International Criminal Court's (ICC) pursuit of an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. This marks a significant departure from the previous administration's stance and indicates a willingness to hold Israeli leaders accountable for their actions.
Furthermore, Britain has decided to restart funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This decision came after concluding that the agency meets “the highest standards of neutrality,” despite allegations from the Israeli government, without proof, against some of its employees. These steps show a government ready to apply more pressure on Israel for its military actions in Gaza and emphasize the importance of international legal institutions.
While President Biden condemned the ICC prosecutor’s efforts to issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials, the British government's move to support the ICC demonstrates a welcome divergence from U.S. policy. Regrettably, weapons shipments to Israel have not yet been halted, but the new government's actions signify a potential shift in policy.
Prime Minister Starmer, a former human rights lawyer, appears to be carving out an independent stance on the conflict. This approach contrasts with the previous administration’s alignment with the United States and suggests a more balanced consideration of international law and human rights.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Impact of violence on both Israeli and Palestinian families 7/25/2024

                        Impact of violence on both Israeli and Palestinian families

 The tragic experiences of Maoz Inon and Aziz Abu Sarah highlight the profound impact of violence on both Israeli and Palestinian families. Despite their losses, they have chosen to advocate for peace and coexistence, demonstrating remarkable resilience and a commitment to a shared humanity.

Inon's parents were killed in the October 7 attack by Hamas, while Abu Sarah's brother died from injuries sustained during his imprisonment by Israeli forces. Both men have channeled their grief into activism, promoting peace and reconciliation. Their efforts include organizing a significant peace conference in Israel and participating in events advocating for an end to the conflict.
Their story underscores the need for empathy and understanding in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By humanizing each other's suffering, they challenge the narratives that perpetuate division and violence. Their message is clear: peace is possible through dialogue and mutual recognition of each other's humanity.
As they work towards a future free from the cycle of violence, their voices serve as a powerful reminder that true peace requires the courage to envision and strive for a better, more just world for all.

Netanyahu’s speech 7/25/2024

                                                          Netanyahu’s speech

I am in total agreement with the points raised by Noura Erakat, a Palestinian human rights attorney and professor at Rutgers University, in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s deplorable, racist speech. Shouts of “genocide Joe” more accurately expressed the seething anger of Palestinians who have lost loved ones in Israel.
Erakat’s commentary on the enthusiastic applause from the U.S. Congress during Netanyahu’s speech was spot-on. Netanyahu’s statement about "finishing the job" is a thinly veiled reference to the continued destruction and oppression of the Palestinian people, which has already led to the flattening of Gaza and the decimation of its infrastructure. The consequences are severe: hospitals are non-functional, children are untreated, and diseases like polio are spreading.
The chants of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" during Netanyahu’s speech reflect a deeper entitlement to inflict harm and destruction on those deemed less worthy. This mindset is rooted in systemic racism and colonial attitudes that permeate both foreign and domestic spheres.
Furthermore, Erakat underscores the failures of the Biden administration to reverse the disastrous and explicitly racist policies of the Trump era. From the annexation of the Golan Heights to the recognition of sovereignty over all of Jerusalem, these policies have only deepened the illegal occupation and oppression of Palestinians. The Democratic Party, despite its promises, has not taken meaningful steps to address these injustices beyond reinstating UNRWA funding. The recent Knesset law explicitly denying the possibility of a Palestinian state further cements this oppressive reality.
Finally, I echo Erakat’s challenge to those concerned about democracy and justice. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has the agency to impose an arms embargo and call for a permanent ceasefire. The responsibility to act is now, to prevent further loss of life and uphold the principles of human rights and dignity.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

War criminal, Netanyahu, arrives on Washington 2/24/2024

                                         War criminal, Netanyahu, arrives on Washington

In Washington, D.C., thousands of protesters are planning to march on Capitol Hill today as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress. This comes as the death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza tops 39,100 and is expected to rise much higher.
On Tuesday, 400 Jewish activists, including over a dozen rabbis, were arrested during a sit-in inside the Capitol. They protested Netanyahu’s visit and demanded an immediate U.S. weapons embargo on the Israeli government.
Dozens of Democratic lawmakers are boycotting Netanyahu’s speech, including Senators Dick Durbin, who is the Majority Whip, Chris Van Hollen, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders, who spoke on Tuesday. Senator Bernie Sanders stated, “Netanyahu is a right-wing extremist and a war criminal who has devoted his career to killing the prospects of a two-state solution and lasting peace in the region. He should not be welcomed to the United States Congress.”
Maryland Senator Ben Cardin will preside over the Senate during Netanyahu’s speech after Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris declined to attend.
In the House, Democratic Congressmember Rashida Tlaib called for Netanyahu to be arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court. She stated, “Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Palestinian people.”
New York Congressmember Jerry Nadler, the most senior Jewish member of the House, remarked, “Benjamin Netanyahu is the worst leader in Jewish history since the Maccabean king who invited the Romans into Jerusalem over 2,100 years ago.”
A number of prominent Israelis have also criticized congressional leaders for inviting Netanyahu. Last month, The New York Times published an essay titled “We Are Israelis Calling on Congress to Disinvite Netanyahu.” The essay was co-authored by six prominent Israelis, including former Israeli President Ehud Barak and former Mossad Director Tamir Pardo.

Israel's vaccination campaign against polio 7/24/2024

                                     Israel's vaccination campaign against polio 

 The recent report on Israel's vaccination campaign against polio following the detection of the virus in Gaza's wastewater. The World Health Organization has highlighted the high risk of further spread, particularly given the ongoing conflict that has severely damaged Gaza's water and sanitation infrastructure. This situation is a significant setback for global efforts to eradicate polio.

Dr. Dorit Nitzan from Ben-Gurion University underscores the urgent need for a ceasefire to facilitate vaccination efforts in Gaza. She stresses that while Israel has initiated a vaccination campaign for its soldiers and has made some vaccines available for Palestinians, the destruction of Gaza's healthcare infrastructure severely hampers these efforts. Dr. Nitzan's call for a ceasefire is not just a plea for peace but a crucial public health measure. Vaccination campaigns need stable and secure conditions to be effective, especially in regions with compromised health services.
Dr. Nitzan also points out the broader implications of the conflict on public health. She mentions past conflicts, such as those in Ukraine, Ethiopia, and Syria, where polio and other diseases have spread rapidly due to disrupted health systems. The interconnectedness of health risks across borders means that unvaccinated children in Gaza pose a threat not only to themselves but also to children in Israel and beyond.
The global community must prioritize health over politics, ensuring that every child has access to vaccines. A ceasefire is essential to allow humanitarian and health workers to reach those in need. The risk of a polio epidemic affecting both Gazan and Israeli children is too great to ignore.
It is imperative that we support measures to prevent further health crises in conflict zones.

VP, Kamala Harris must charter a new course in Gaza 7/24/2024

                               VP, Kamala Harris must charter a new course in Gaza

“Ex-Biden Staffer Quits Over Gaza, Says Kamala Harris Must ‘Chart a New Path’ on Israel-Palestine.” Lily Greenberg, who resigned from her position in the Biden administration due to her opposition to U.S. support for Israel’s actions in Gaza, is calling for Vice President Kamala Harris to adopt a new approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Greenberg’s call for action resonates with a growing sentiment among many Americans who are increasingly disturbed by the continuous violence and the use of U.S. tax dollars in the ongoing genocide. Her perspective, as a former Jewish political appointee, adds significant weight to her critique and highlights the internal divisions within the Democratic Party on this issue.
It is imperative for Vice President Harris to consider this perspective and recognize the urgency of reevaluating U.S. policy in the Middle East. As Greenberg suggests, supporting an arms embargo on Israel, rejecting the right-wing agenda of AIPAC, and leveraging U.S. influence to achieve a lasting ceasefire and meaningful change in Israel-Palestine are critical steps. These actions align not only with international humanitarian standards but also with the views of many progressive Democrats, young voters, and key demographic groups essential for winning future elections.
In light of the shifting public opinion and the increasing visibility of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Vice President Harris has a unique opportunity to lead with compassion and foresight. By advocating for a balanced and humane approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict, she can help foster peace and stability in the region while also strengthening her support base domestically.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Israel Bombards Khan Younis, Kills Dozens 7/23/2024

                                           Israel Bombards Khan Younis, Kills Dozens

The recent headline, "Israel Bombards Khan Younis, Kills Dozens," marks another dark chapter, highlighting the United States' role as the supplier of bombs and Israel’s IDF and the callous disregard for the sanctity of human life. Reports in the world media details the harrowing situation in Khan Younis, where Israeli military actions have resulted in significant casualties and further displacement of an already suffering population. The Israeli military ordered the evacuation of eastern Khan Younis, citing the need to counter Hamas activities, without evidence, in the area. While the military claims to have warned civilians in advance, many residents and aid workers report confusion and difficulties in receiving these messages due to disrupted electric power and cellular services. This raises serious concerns about the effectiveness and humanity of such evacuation orders. Conditions in the so-called humanitarian zones are described as dire, lacking essential supplies such as clean water, food, medicine, and proper sanitation. This situation exacerbates the already severe humanitarian crisis faced by the displaced population in Gaza. Israel and the United States must adhere to international humanitarian law, ensuring the protection of civilians and the provision of necessary aid. This is a sad indictment of the Biden-Harris administration who seem paralyzed to stand up to the messianic Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu. The international community must intensify efforts to facilitate an immediate ceasefire and the resumption of critical aid to the suffering Palestinians. For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Monday, July 22, 2024

ICJ rules on Israel 7/22/2024

                                                    ICJ rules on Israel

The recent ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declaring Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories illegal and calling for its end "as rapidly as possible" is a landmark decision. This ruling, one of the most significant from an international court on this matter since Israel’s occupation began in 1967, highlights the urgency of addressing the ongoing situation.
Palestinian human rights lawyer Diana Buttu emphasized the global responsibility to ensure Israel does not continue its illegal occupation. The court's decision places an obligation on all countries, especially the United States,  to take action against Israel's violations of international law. This includes imposing sanctions to end the military occupation and holding Israel accountable for its actions.
Judge Nawaf Salam, presiding over the ICJ, explicitly stated that Israel must cease all new settlement activities and repeal legislation that maintains the unlawful situation. This includes discriminatory measures against Palestinians and attempts to alter the demographic composition of the occupied territories. Furthermore, Israel is obligated to provide full reparations for the damage caused by its internationally wrongful acts.
The ICJ also ruled that other nations should not recognize Israel’s occupation and must refrain from aiding or assisting in maintaining this illegal situation. The court highlighted numerous violations, including the construction and violent expansion of settlements, forced control over Palestinian lands, and discriminatory policies against Palestinians.
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki praised the ruling, calling on all states and the United Nations to reassess their relations with Israel to ensure they do not support the illegal occupation. This includes measures such as arms embargoes and sanctions, essential steps to pressure Israel to end its occupation.
Despite the nonbinding nature of the ruling, its significance lies in setting a legal precedent for other countries. It underscores the responsibility of the international community to act against Israel’s continued violations of international law and to support the rights of the Palestinian people.
The ICJ’s decision also reaffirms the right of Palestinians displaced since 1967 to return to their homes, a right denied by Israel's discriminatory measures. Additionally, the court recognizes Gaza as part of the occupied territories, countering Israel's attempts to blur the lines regarding its occupation.
The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, exacerbated by Israel and the United States actions, further emphasizes the need for international intervention. Reports of  Israel using water as a weapon of war and the resulting health crises highlight the dire conditions faced by Palestinians.
As Netanyahu prepares to address a joint session of Congress, it is crucial to recognize the gravity of the situation and the role of the international community in holding Israel accountable. The calls for Netanyahu’s investigation for genocide, war crimes, and torture reflect the urgent need for justice and the end of impunity.
It is time for robust international action to ensure that Israel's illegal occupation and the suffering of the Palestinian people come to an end.or more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Saturday, July 20, 2024

"Trump the Lion, or Trump the Lyin’?" 7/20/2024

                                                 "Trump the Lion, or Trump the Lyin’?" 

 I am writing in response to your recent column, "Trump the Lion, or Trump the Lyin’?" The article paints a vivid picture of Donald Trump's performance at the Republican National Convention, but it’s essential to scrutinize the underlying narratives and implications.

Firstly, the depiction of Trump as a master of narrative is accurate. However, it's crucial to differentiate between storytelling and truth. The former president's speech was indeed dramatic, but it is filled with hyperbole and self-aggrandizement. His recounting of the assassination attempt, while captivating, raises questions about its veracity and his motivations for embellishing such events.
Trump's claim that his survival was divine intervention raises the stakes of his rhetoric. Instead of using his platform to propagate misleading narratives, it would be far more commendable for him to use his influence to speak the truth. As someone who professes a belief in divine grace, Trump should recognize that he will soon meet his Creator and face the day of judgment. This reality should compel him to promote honesty and integrity rather than sow discord and division.
Moreover, the portrayal of Trump as a heroic figure, almost messianic in nature, by his supporters is deeply concerning. It promotes a cult of personality that undermines democratic principles. The lionization of Trump, particularly after his role in the January 6th insurrection and his ongoing legal troubles, sets a dangerous precedent.
In conclusion, while Trump is undoubtedly a compelling figure, it is imperative that the media and the public critically examine his narratives. We must prioritize truth and accountability over sensationalism to safeguard our democratic institutions.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Israel's attacks on Palestinians continue 7/20/2024

                                            Israel's attacks on Palestinians continue

Israel's attacks on Palestinians continue, using U.S. bombs, causing immense suffering. The recent bombing of another U.N. school in Gaza City by Israel is a distressing reminder of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the region. This marks at least the ninth U.N. school shelter targeted by Israel in the past two weeks, adding to the tragic toll on Palestinian lives. The deadly attacks on the Bureij and Nuseirat refugee camps, which resulted in the deaths of at least 13 Palestinians, further highlight the dire situation.

In Khan Younis, the exhumation and transfer of at least 12 bodies from the Red Crescent-run Al-Amal Hospital, besieged by Israel earlier this year, underscores the profound grief and suffering endured by the families of the victims. Areej Hamouda’s heart-wrenching account of retrieving her son's body exemplifies the extreme sacrifices made by Gazans amidst this relentless conflict.
Moreover, the report by Oxfam on Israel's "weaponization of water" paints a grim picture of the living conditions in Gaza. The blockade and continuous bombardment have led to a catastrophic 94% decrease in water supplies over the past 10 months. The destruction of water treatment plants has forced residents to use sewage-contaminated water, causing diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. The recent detection of the polio virus in Gaza’s sewage samples is alarming and indicative of a public health crisis.
The international community must urgently address these violations and work towards a sustainable and just resolution to the conflict. The people of Gaza deserve peace, security, and access to basic human necessities.
Meanwhile, President Biden expresses silent remorse for the high civilian casualties while maintaining a continuous supply of weapons to Israel and preparing to invite one of the worst tyrants in the world to the White House, Prime Minister Netanyahu.

For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/       

Friday, July 19, 2024

The ICJ castigates Israel 7/19/2024

                                                The ICJ castigates Israel

The International Court of Justice's (ICJ) advisory opinion on Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is a landmark pronouncement, marking the first time the ICJ has explicitly addressed this contentious issue.
The ICJ's advisory opinion, though not binding, carries significant legal and moral weight. It categorically states that Israel’s occupation and settlements in these territories violate international law. The court’s president, Nawaf Salam, emphasized that the Israeli settlements and their associated regime are in contravention of international law and urged for a rapid end to Israel’s presence in these territories. Furthermore, the court highlighted Israel's obligation to provide full reparation for the damage caused by its internationally wrongful acts.
This advisory opinion arrives amid heightened global scrutiny due to the ongoing war in Gaza, which began over nine months ago, and a separate genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa. In its initial ruling on the genocide case, the ICJ ordered Israel to restrain its attacks in Gaza and to immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah.
Despite the authoritative stance of the ICJ, the far-right, undemocratic, terrorist Israeli government rejected the ICJ's findings, mimicking President Putin's justification of his attacks on Ukraine and our own dark history of driving out and mass killing Native tribes from their land, who continue to suffer the indignities of displacement. These reactions underscore the deep-seated sentiments of the Palestinians.
The Palestinian Authority welcomed the court's opinion as a significant affirmation of the illegality of the Israeli occupation. This perspective aligns with the longstanding view that the Israeli settlements fragment the West Bank, undermining the feasibility of a future Palestinian state.
The ICJ’s advisory opinion might not alter Israeli policy directly, but it is poised to influence international opinion and potentially shape future diplomatic efforts. As this issue continues to evolve, it is imperative for the international community to engage constructively, with a commitment to upholding international law and pursuing a just resolution.

British Government Restores UNRWA Funding 7/19/2024

                                                 British Government Restores UNRWA Funding

In welcome news, the new British Labour Party is restoring funding to UNRWA, the United Nations agency for Palestinians. This marks a significant shift in the UK’s stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict and underscores a renewed commitment to humanitarian aid.
Foreign Secretary David Lammy’s announcement of £21 million in funding reflects confidence in UNRWA’s recent reforms to ensure neutrality and effective aid distribution. The previous Conservative government suspended funding due to allegations of UNRWA employees' involvement in the Hamas-led attacks last October. However, it is noteworthy that Israel has not provided conclusive evidence to support these broader charges against the agency's staff.
Mr. Lammy’s commitment to reviewing Israel’s compliance with international humanitarian law and his call for an immediate ceasefire highlight a balanced approach to the conflict. His criticism of Israel’s restrictive measures on aid flow into Gaza underscores the urgent need for unhindered humanitarian assistance.
The Labour government’s decision aligns with the global support for UNRWA, evidenced by the backing of 118 countries at the United Nations. While some opposition remains, notably from certain Conservative lawmakers, it is clear that UNRWA’s role is crucial in addressing the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.
Juliette Touma, the Director of Communications for the United Nations Relief Agency, commented that every penny for humanitarian response further validates the importance of resumed funding. It is imperative that we support measures that ensure aid reaches those in need and that international laws are upheld. It is time our government restored UNRWA funding suspended by the Trump government in 2018.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Recent airstrikes in Gaza 7/18/2024

                                   Recent airstrikes in Gaza

The recent airstrikes in Gaza, resulting in the tragic loss of more than 20 innocent Palestinian lives, including those at a United Nations school turned shelter, demand our immediate attention and condemnation.

The Israeli military claims, without proof, that it was targeting militants operating in these civilian structures, yet the casualties tell a different story. Innocent civilians, including children, are bearing the brunt of these attacks. It is deeply concerning that these strikes have repeatedly hit U.N. buildings, which are meant to be safe havens for those displaced by the conflict. The fact that this is the sixth U.N. facility to be targeted in the past ten days is alarming and calls into question whether the Israeli military is deliberately targeting civilians to systematically annihilate the entire Palestinian population.

The Biden administration's continued supply of weapons to Israel, despite expressing concerns about the civilian death toll, demonstrates a significant disconnect between its statements and actions. The media also plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and policy. There is a need for greater accountability and transparency in reporting on this conflict. The failure to hold our government accountable for its complicity in the ongoing genocide, and the absence of a demand for a cease-fire and an end to the occupation—the root cause of this decades-old conflict—is a serious indictment of the U.S. media.
We must prioritize human rights and work towards a peaceful resolution to this conflict. A good start would be to immediately halt all economic and military aid to Israel. President Biden has shown an appalling lack of leadership in standing up to the far-right despot, Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, who is determined to prolong the war to avoid jail time on serious corruption charges. President Biden should heed increasing calls from his party to resign immediately.
For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gaza, "ever deeper circles of hell" 7/16/2024

                                                  Gaza, "ever deeper circles of hell"

Israel & the U.S. sink to the depths of depravity, Biden must resign!
Israel's actions in Gaza follow a distressing and familiar pattern. Alleging, without proof, the attempted killing of a Hamas fighter, it drops huge payloads of American bombs, resulting in the deaths of countless innocent men, women, and children.
Recent Israeli strikes include targeting a makeshift mosque during noon prayer in the Shati refugee camp in west Gaza City, killing 20 people, and a United Nations school sheltering thousands of displaced Palestinians in the Nuseirat refugee camp, killing 22. Muhammad Shehada, writer and analyst and chief of communications at Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, states, “We’ve got a situation where Israel is being told, 'You can do whatever you want, anything you want at all.'”
The Israeli military's bombardment of Gaza has led to devastating casualties, including over 80 Palestinians killed in the last 24 hours. The attack on al-Mawasi in Khan Younis, a designated safe zone, killed at least 90 Palestinians, half of them women and children, and injured over 300 others. These actions, targeting displaced Palestinians in makeshift shelters, have drawn widespread condemnation from around the world.
Shockingly, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant praised the attack, claiming it undermined Hamas's capabilities. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres aptly described the situation as civilians being pushed into "ever deeper circles of hell." The international community must not remain silent in the face of such atrocities.
The response from global powers, particularly the United States and the European Union, has been alarmingly passive. European officials have acknowledged the devastation yet appear unable or unwilling to take decisive action to prevent further bloodshed.
The situation in Gaza demands immediate and robust international intervention to protect civilians and ensure accountability for violations of international law. These horrific atrocities continue using U.S. weaponry, accompanied by characteristic silence from the Biden administration, which has repeatedly demonstrated its weakness and inability to stand up to the messianic Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu. It has mountains of blood on its hands. President Biden should heed the ever-louder calls for his resignation.
For more go to https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump & Biden 7/13/2024

                                                  Trump & Biden

I’m not used to the Trump of the past two weeks, who has stripped the Republican Party platform of several extremist flourishes and distanced himself (for now) from the Heritage Foundation’s designs for a quasi-autocratic, demi-theocratic America.
This version of Trump scares me much more than the unhinged one. It tells me he understands the significance of the June 27 debate, realizes the virtue of stepping back while pundits pummel President Biden, and can muster the discipline to do so. He smells victory in November like never before.
Trump is relying on more than hyperbole as he looks to Election Day. His personal edits of his party’s platform, his advisers’ urging him not to vow political retribution, and their micro-targeting of crucial voters in pivotal states show a calculated strategy. In The Atlantic, Tim Alberta wrote that Trump’s advisers represent a threat unlike anything Democrats encountered during the 2016 or 2020 elections.
Democratic leaders must not underestimate Trump. The polls reflect voters’ apprehensions about Biden’s fitness, which can’t simply be wished away. Trump may show voters a side that doesn’t mimic the plots of “Jaws” and “The Silence of the Lambs,” and this is why the Democrats’ decisions matter so much in the coming days. Biden has already displayed a chronic weakness to Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu maintaining economic and military support ignoring Israel’s horrific war crimes of mass killing and starvation of Palestinians. Biden’s embarrassing missteps should not be tolerated, this should not be Biden’s choice. Would you like a doctor with shaky fingers operating on your gall bladder? The Dems should nominate a suitable replacement NOW!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Gaza, horror of horrors! 7/12/2024

                                                       Gaza, horror of horrors!

I’m writing in response to the recent article, "I’m Bored, So I Shoot," which documents alarming testimonies of Israeli soldiers who admit to shooting Palestinians out of boredom. This report by Oren Ziv of +972 Magazine highlights deeply troubling actions and attitudes among Israeli forces in Gaza.
The article details accounts from six soldiers who describe a nearly complete absence of firing regulations, with soldiers shooting as they please, setting homes on fire, and leaving corpses in the streets. Such behavior indicates a severe lack of accountability and suggests that soldiers feel empowered to act with impunity. As Ziv states, soldiers were often shooting out of boredom rather than for any tactical or military reason.
Yuval Green, a reservist who spoke to Ziv, has refused to continue serving in the Israeli military, citing the need to end the ongoing war and sign a ceasefire treaty. Green’s stance is both courageous and morally imperative, reflecting a growing recognition that the current approach is unjust and unsustainable.
Moreover, the footage from Al Jazeera showing Israeli soldiers executing unarmed Palestinians is deeply disturbing and underscores the urgent need for accountability and reform within the Israeli military. The normalization of such violence, as described in the article, points to a broader policy issue rather than isolated incidents.
The testimonies of these soldiers reveal a pattern of indiscriminate violence, lack of oversight, and a culture of impunity. This situation demands immediate attention and action from both Israeli authorities and the international community to prevent further atrocities and promote peace.
It is critical that all Americans call the White House Comment Line at 202-456-1111and demand an immediate halt to all military and economic aid to Israel, an immediate ceasefire, and an end to Israel’s barbarism, mass murder, and mass starvation. This is another critical reason that President Biden must resign immediately. Our flag is soaked in the blood of innocent Palestinians.
This is another chapter in our history of violence and mayhem. The mass killing of innocent civilians in Gaza is Biden’s legacy. Israeli forces should withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank and allow humanitarian agencies like UNRWA to take control.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

President Biden Must Step Down for the Good of the Nation 7/11/2024

                                       President Biden Must Step Down for the Good of the Nation

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding President Biden's ability to effectively lead our nation. It should not be solely President Biden’s choice to remain in office. He must demonstrate his fitness for the presidency through rigorous medical and cognitive tests.
Consider the following: pilots, doctors, nurses, lawyers, and drivers must prove they are safe to perform their duties through periodic stringent tests. Likewise, numerous other professionals are subjected to similar standards. President Biden must place the country’s welfare above his personal ambitions and undergo rigorous medical evaluations.
It is not just President Biden who should be held to this standard. Members of Congress and Supreme Court justices over the age of 75 should also undergo rigorous medical evaluations to ensure they are fit to serve.
Moreover, President Biden's decision to send weapons and economic aid to Israel has made every American complicit in the ensuing conflicts, which many consider war crimes. We must cease the provision of weapons to avoid further complicity.
In light of these points, I urge President Biden to step down and prioritize the nation's well-being over personal ambitions. Too much time is being squandered while he is constantly dodging the media. Stop procrastinating, Mr. President!

Loss of 27 lives 7/11/2024

                                                                Loss of 27 lives

The loss of 27 lives, including many children, during an Israeli airstrike at a school-turned-shelter in southern Gaza is a devastating reminder of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the region. Where a moment of respite during a soccer game turned into chaos and death, this underscores the urgent need for a resolution to the conflict.

The account of body parts and screams vividly illustrates the horrors faced by the people of Gaza daily. It is particularly alarming that this incident marks the fourth strike in four days to hit or damage a school building in Gaza, as noted by Philippe Lazzarini, head of UNRWA. The targeting of areas housing civilians seeking refuge is unconscionable and must be condemned unequivocally.
The destruction of essential infrastructure and the immense loss of life necessitate an immediate and robust response from the international community. There must be a concerted effort to protect civilians, ensure the provision of humanitarian aid, and work towards a sustainable ceasefire. The ongoing violence only serves to deepen the suffering and perpetuate the cycle of retaliation and despair.
The world cannot stand idly by while such atrocities continue. The United States' ongoing delivery of 500-pound bombs makes our nation complicit in these horrific war crimes. President Biden, who has shown appalling weakness in standing up to Prime Minister Netanyahu, should resign.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

To Biden or not to Biden 7/10/2024

                                          To Biden or not to Biden

We must demand Biden undergo a rigorous physical and cognitive test to assume the duties of President of the U.S. This should also apply to former President Trump, Supreme Court Justices, and members of Congress over 75. Biden’s legacy is already sullied by the blood of innocent Palestinians, and the killing is still going on. Killing and starving Palestinians is not defense of Israel but mass murder and genocide. America has long lost its moral compass.
We have gone from Howard Baker’s famous question about Richard Nixon — “What did the president know and when did he know it?” — to something much more pathetic: What does the president know, and does he even remember it? All this would be more sympathy-inducing if the president and his advisers weren’t engaged in what, to all outward appearances, looks to be an aggressive cover-up about the speed and extent of his decline. A phalanx of administration officials constantly insists that the president is sharp, spry, on top of it, slowed by age but well-oiled with wisdom. The president himself declared, “my memory is fine,” in an angry rebuttal in February to the report of Robert Hur, the special counsel, which described him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” But the clearer it becomes that Hur was right, the more offensive the denials feel — not only because they are so transparently untrue but also because they seem so obviously self-interested. If, as Axios reported, the president is “dependably engaged” between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., then who are the Edith Wilsons running the country the other 18 hours of the day?
This is worse than reckless. We still elect a president, not a cabinet, and the president alone holds the vast constitutional powers of war, peace, justice, and administration. If the president’s secretaries, confidantes, and family members think they are helping him or the country by assuming an ever-increasing share of his decision-making, they aren’t. They are usurping his authority, deceiving the nation, and enticing our enemies into mischief or miscalculation. They are also feeding the rampant cynicism that in turn feeds MAGA nation. The embarrassment of Biden’s debate performance last month isn’t simply that it confirmed everything that Fox News gleefully alleged and MSNBC pompously denied about the president’s mental state. It’s that it perfectly fit the narrative of a deep state that protects its own, that calls its critics liars while lying all the time, that can barely hold it together but maintains a very high opinion of itself.
“Not only am I campaigning, but I’m running the world,” Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in an interview last week. He made this grandiose — one might say Trumpian — claim in nearly the same breath as he flatly refused to take a simple cognitive test. No, it’s incumbent on those around him and, most of all, the Democratic Party, to force him to accept reality as it is, not as he wants it to be: he can’t win. He’s not fit to be president now, let alone in four years. The Democratic Party gave us this situation. Senior Democrats gaslit millions of voters to believe Biden was as “sharp as a tack” for over a year. The stories of his cognitive decline were “conspiracy theories.” It’s the biggest betrayal of trust I can think of, and if he is the nominee, Democrats are no different than Republicans: a hollow shell of a “party” to be filled with the whims of their leader. This great country deserves better.

To Biden or not to Biden 7/10/2024

                                               To Biden or not to Biden

We must demand Biden undergo a rigorous physical and cognitive test to assume the duties of President of the U.S. This should also apply to former President Trump, Supreme Court Justices, and members of Congress over 75. Biden’s legacy is already sullied by the blood of innocent Palestinians, and the killing is still going on. Killing and starving Palestinians is not defense of Israel but mass murder and genocide. America has long lost its moral compass.
We have gone from Howard Baker’s famous question about Richard Nixon — “What did the president know and when did he know it?” — to something much more pathetic: What does the president know, and does he even remember it? All this would be more sympathy-inducing if the president and his advisers weren’t engaged in what, to all outward appearances, looks to be an aggressive cover-up about the speed and extent of his decline. A phalanx of administration officials constantly insists that the president is sharp, spry, on top of it, slowed by age but well-oiled with wisdom. The president himself declared, “my memory is fine,” in an angry rebuttal in February to the report of Robert Hur, the special counsel, which described him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” But the clearer it becomes that Hur was right, the more offensive the denials feel — not only because they are so transparently untrue but also because they seem so obviously self-interested. If, as Axios reported, the president is “dependably engaged” between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., then who are the Edith Wilsons running the country the other 18 hours of the day?
This is worse than reckless. We still elect a president, not a cabinet, and the president alone holds the vast constitutional powers of war, peace, justice, and administration. If the president’s secretaries, confidantes, and family members think they are helping him or the country by assuming an ever-increasing share of his decision-making, they aren’t. They are usurping his authority, deceiving the nation, and enticing our enemies into mischief or miscalculation. They are also feeding the rampant cynicism that in turn feeds MAGA nation. The embarrassment of Biden’s debate performance last month isn’t simply that it confirmed everything that Fox News gleefully alleged and MSNBC pompously denied about the president’s mental state. It’s that it perfectly fit the narrative of a deep state that protects its own, that calls its critics liars while lying all the time, that can barely hold it together but maintains a very high opinion of itself.
“Not only am I campaigning, but I’m running the world,” Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in an interview last week. He made this grandiose — one might say Trumpian — claim in nearly the same breath as he flatly refused to take a simple cognitive test. No, it’s incumbent on those around him and, most of all, the Democratic Party, to force him to accept reality as it is, not as he wants it to be: he can’t win. He’s not fit to be president now, let alone in four years. The Democratic Party gave us this situation. Senior Democrats gaslit millions of voters to believe Biden was as “sharp as a tack” for over a year. The stories of his cognitive decline were “conspiracy theories.” It’s the biggest betrayal of trust I can think of, and if he is the nominee, Democrats are no different than Republicans: a hollow shell of a “party” to be filled with the whims of their leader. This great country deserves better.

Monday, July 8, 2024

U.S. weapons are slaughtering children in Gaza, harking back to memories of the Holocaust. 7/8/2024

 U.S. weapons are slaughtering children in Gaza, harking back to memories of the Holocaust.

The British medical journal, The Lancet, reports that Gaza’s true death toll could be as high as 186,000, which starkly contrasts with the official figure of nearly 38,200. This discrepancy underscores the catastrophic indirect effects of the ongoing Israeli terrorist attacks on ordinary civilians, including shortages of medical care, food, shelter, and water, principally affecting children.
The report’s alarming revelation that roughly 8% of Gaza’s population may have perished demands immediate international attention and intervention. The situation is further exacerbated by repeated attacks on civilian infrastructure. Notably, a recent Israeli airstrike on a UNRWA school tragically claimed the lives of at least 16 Palestinians, many of them children.
Eyewitness accounts, such as that of Ayman al-Atouneh, paint a horrifying picture: “We saw bodies of children, in pieces. This is a playground. There was a trampoline here. There were swing sets and vendors. Civilians were killed. It’s a civilian school. These are United Nations schools, for the UNRWA. It is supposed to be safe for people and should not be targeted anytime.” Such attacks on civilian and humanitarian sites are deeply troubling and highlight the urgent need for accountability.
Furthermore, the situation in the occupied West Bank is equally concerning. The approval of nearly 5,300 new illegal settlements by Israel’s Supreme Planning Council marks the largest single land appropriation since the Oslo Accords, further inflaming tensions and undermining peace efforts.
The Israeli public is also voicing its discontent. Recent nationwide protests saw Israelis blocking highways, demanding a ceasefire, a hostage deal, and the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In light of these harrowing developments, it is imperative that the international community intensifies its efforts to mediate a lasting peace and provide humanitarian aid to Gaza. The staggering death toll and ongoing violence demand immediate and decisive action to prevent further loss of life and alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza" 7/6/2024

                                       "The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza"

I urge the general public concerned about the ongoing genocide in Gaza to watch the documentary, "The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza" from Al Jazeera English, now available on YouTube. This new documentary investigates civilian killings in Gaza and U.S. Complicity in Israel’s horrific war crimes.
The documentary takes an in-depth look at attacks on civilians by the Israeli military in Gaza and the United States' role in the conflict. It follows three Palestinian families as they recount the horrific experiences they have endured under relentless Israeli assault. This includes the family of 6-year-old Hind Rajab, the young Palestinian girl who made headlines in January when it emerged that she had been trapped in a car with family members killed by Israeli ground troops. The film also features the Salem family, who first lost dozens of family members in an Israeli airstrike and then additional family members who were executed by Israeli soldiers.
The documentary features clips and interviews with journalists Kavitha Chekuru and Sharif Abdel Kouddous, the director and correspondent of The Night Won’t End, respectively. The discussion highlights the plight of journalists in Gaza and U.S. complicity in Israel’s war. As Kouddous points out, “There’s no question that U.S. weapons have killed civilians in Gaza. This violates both international humanitarian law and domestic law.”
This documentary sheds light on the devastating impact of the conflict on innocent civilians and raises important questions about the role of the United States in perpetuating the violence. It is crucial that we continue to bring attention to these issues and hold those like President Biden and his administration accountable.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Israel lies children die. 7/5/2024

                                                     Israel lies children die.

 US restores funding to “UNRWA
Children are the greatest gift to mankind. Without them, the world would be empty. Children, of all faiths should be revered, valued equally, and nourished and protected by the leaders of all countries. However, both Israel and the Biden administration have violated this cardinal rule.
In one case, Biden was uncharacteristically decisive: After Israel alleged involvement in terrorism by staff members of the United Nations agency at the center of efforts to avert starvation in Gaza, Biden swiftly suspended funding for the agency. Congress then extended the funding freeze.
Yet it now appears that Biden was wrong for the factual basis behind accusations against the agency has proved elusive. It pains me that in a misguided effort to impose accountability, the United States instead appears to have layered additional misery on hungry people.
Far-right Israeli politicians are pushing to abolish the agency in question, UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which provides schools, clinics, and other services in the region. A bill in the Israeli Parliament that would ban UNRWA as a terrorist organization easily passed a first reading, leading to international condemnation. Doctors Without Borders called the move “an outrageous attack on humanitarian assistance,” and the European Union described UNRWA as “crucial and irreplaceable.”
“UNRWA is staggering under the weight of relentless attacks,” said Philippe Lazzarini, the Swiss Italian humanitarian who leads the agency. He warned that it may “crumble” in ways that “sow the seeds of hatred, resentment, and future conflict.”
The ground around the U.N. agency’s headquarters in East Jerusalem is charred where violent Israeli protesters attacked the compound and twice set it on fire. During the arson attacks, a crowd chanted in Hebrew, “Let the U.N. burn.”
Since then, two independent investigations have been undertaken, and they suggest a pattern of Israel making wild accusations against UNRWA and failing to back them with significant evidence. One investigation, led by a former French foreign minister, recommended reforms but exonerated UNRWA of allegations that it was complicit with Hamas; it added that “UNRWA is irreplaceable and indispensable” and “pivotal in providing lifesaving humanitarian aid.”
Given that UNRWA seems to be a force for stability, it’s hard to see the Israeli campaign against it as anything but one more effort to silence voices for Palestinians. That’s how Lazzarini sees the campaign against the organization he runs.
“Ultimately, there is a political objective to strip the Palestinians of their refugee status, to weaken their further aspirations for self-determination,”. “It’s also a way to undermine the two-state political solution.”
So Biden should acknowledge his misstep. As famine threatens Gaza, the United States should be backing the agency at the center of efforts to fight starvation, not undermining it.
The carnage in Gaza will be a moral stain on Biden forever. There is enough evidence out there that Israel is deliberately starving Gaza. This is no longer "self-defense." This is a deliberate strategy of annihilation of the Palestinians.
The EU and several individual countries, including Canada, have restored funding to UNRWA. Since Israel has supplied no evidence for its charges against UNRWA employees, I suggest it's time for the YS to restore funding to UNRWA.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

President Biden 7/4/2024

                                                                 President Biden

President Biden has indeed faced challenging events, but in my opinion, he has waited far too long. The damage from the debate is already done, and I don't think there's anything he can do to change public perception at this point.

I hope all this "we're still in it" talk by the Biden team is just public fodder while behind-the-scenes discussions are taking place about the orderly logistics of a transition to new candidates. I am hopeful tonight's meeting with governors, several of whom are likely potential Biden/Harris replacements, is a big part of that transition conversation. Step away gracefully before any more damage is done and save our democracy from Trump. Let’s nominate a competent, younger candidate who will bury Trump before SCOTUS finishes coronating him.
The most patriotic thing Biden can do now is to release his delegates and go for an open convention. I wish him well. I do not want his legacy tarnished in the way that Ruth Bader Ginsburg tarnished hers. Perhaps a sufficiently large chorus of appreciative supporters asking him to step down could help him do the right thing.
It would be so much better for everyone (except Republicans) if President Biden withdrew his candidacy for re-election:
1.      The focus on age would shift to Trump.
2.      President Biden's awful debate performance would evaporate since he would no longer be a candidate.
3.      The Democratic Party would be seen as capable, not culpable.
4.      A younger candidate would eviscerate Donald Trump's candidacy and make plain all Trump deserves is a one-way ticket to political oblivion.
Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu has judged a weakness in President Biden and is capitalizing on that weakness, forcing him to maintain a constant supply of weapons and remain silent about the starvation and killing of Palestinians—a cardinal sin which has adversely affected his presidency. America is on the wrong side of human justice and needs to recalibrate its moral compass before more damage is done. Spain, Norway, and Ireland have pushed for a separate Palestinian state along with over 140 countries around the world. America, principally Biden, should hear their call and recognize that Palestinians deserve a separate state.
Mr. Biden, it’s time to leave office. We need a younger man to challenge the potential disastrous presidency of Trump, who will take us to the dark side of politics.