Sunday, June 30, 2024

Israel 6/30/2026



The West Bank territory was seized by Israel following the 1967 war, initially held to protect Israelis from another conflict. However, the decision by previous Likud governments to permit Israeli settlements in the West Bank has set the stage for the ongoing conflict today. Palestinians have a legal right to their homes, farms, and businesses. Any long-term resolution to the conflict in the region must reflect the rights of Palestinians to live in their homes and go about their lives peacefully.

The settler terrorism in the West Bank and Gaza, funded and supported by America, is likely to cost Biden the election. The U.S. news media tries to cover up the disaster, rarely mentioning it as a factor in Biden's loss of support in mainstream outlets. However, young people and people of color see through this and may not vote in large numbers in the upcoming election. These are the groups Biden needs to win, which is why he must consider stepping aside.

Nick Kristof of the New York Times is one of the few reporters who keeps the spotlight on the West Bank and Gaza. Highlighting the human tragedies occurring in all directions is of utmost importance. Americans, in particular, need your balanced reporting on the realities in this region. Human rights and basic human dignity cannot be reserved for some and denied to others. The U.S. has failed in exercising leadership to neutralize far-right fanaticism in all directions. Mr. Trump could not even bring himself to acknowledge a two-state solution during the recent debate. May all Israelis and Palestinians of goodwill advance the call for justice and peace. Force is not the solution, and hatred can have a multi-generational impact.

Relegating Palestinians to become second-class citizens in their own land, much like apartheid South Africa, is not the answer. If Biden is too timid to stand up to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s acts of terrorism, he should step aside. Supplying Israel with more weapons makes us complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide. We must demand an immediate cease-fire and resumption of crucial aid to halt the mass starvation of civilians.

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