Friday, August 2, 2024

Appalling Abuse of Palestinians in Israeli Dungeons 8/2/2024

                                  Appalling Abuse of Palestinians in Israeli Dungeons

Diana Buttu, a Palestinian human rights attorney, and Oren Ziv, a reporter and photographer for +972 Magazine, have reported on the appalling abuse of thousands of Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails, including rape, torture, sleep deprivation, and targeted assassinations. Prison authorities have cynically defended these actions as their way of controlling an "overpopulation problem."

The accounts presented by Ms. Buttu are deeply troubling. She describes situations where thousands of Palestinians have been detained without charge or trial, enduring routine torture and deprivation of basic needs. The descriptions of prisoners being shackled 24 hours a day, subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and even experiencing sexual violence are horrifying. The reported actions, allegedly involving government officials and military personnel, paint a disturbing picture of systematic abuse and impunity.

Furthermore, Mr. Ziv's report highlights a broader societal issue, noting that far-right elements within the Israeli government and public appear to support or excuse these actions. The idea that there could be public rallies defending such conduct, even to the extent of storming military bases, indicates a normalization of violence and a disregard for the rule of law.

Dr. Muhammad Abu Salmiya's testimony adds another layer of gravity to the situation, suggesting that these abuses are not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern of maltreatment and neglect, resulting in severe physical and psychological trauma for many prisoners. This appalling abuse was confirmed by two American doctors in an in-depth report by a recent ProPublica investigation.

It is imperative for the international community, especially the United States, whose tax dollars help fund these abuses, to take these allegations seriously and push for thorough investigations. The described conditions resemble those of a concentration camp, as Ms. Buttu aptly stated, and the
The silence or complacency of the global community, especially in the face of such reports, is unacceptable. There must be a concerted effort to hold those responsible accountable and to ensure that basic human rights are upheld for all individuals, regardless of their nationality or background.

I urge readers to call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 to express their outrage and demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to this Gestapo-like abuse of Palestinians.

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