Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Arab Americans Express deep frustration 8/21/2024

                                        Arab Americans Express deep frustration 

The Arab American community is poised to have a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election, particularly in swing states like Michigan. Home to the largest Arab population in the U.S., Michigan has seen a groundswell of political activity among Arab voters, many of whom are deeply frustrated by U.S. support for Israel’s actions in Gaza. Despite numerous meetings between community leaders and high-level officials in the Biden administration, there has been little to no movement toward changing policies that continue to support Israeli military operations. Osama Siblani, founder of The Arab American News, has been at the forefront of this effort. After multiple discussions with top Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign team, Siblani expresses a sentiment shared by many in the Arab American community: their concerns are being heard, but no meaningful action has followed. The ongoing violence in Gaza only intensifies their frustration. This frustration has led to unprecedented political mobilization, with hundreds of thousands of Arab American voters casting "uncommitted" ballots in the Democratic primaries—a clear message that they demand change. For the first time, the Democratic National Convention is hosting a panel on Palestinian human rights, a step that is welcomed but still falls short of the urgent action needed. The lack of concrete steps to address the violence in Gaza is pushing many to consider sitting out the election altogether—a stark warning to the Democratic Party. The Arab American community’s message is clear: their support cannot be taken for granted, and continued inaction could cost the party dearly in key battleground states. For more go to:

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