Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Human Rights Watch 8/27/2024

                                                       Human Rights Watch'

 Human Rights Watch's recent report on the arbitrary detention and torture of Palestinian healthcare workers by Israeli forces is deeply alarming. The harrowing testimonies from doctors, nurses, and paramedics who have been blindfolded, beaten, and subjected to horrific abuses such as electric shocks and sexual assault cannot be ignored. These healthcare workers, committed to saving lives, are facing unimaginable suffering simply for fulfilling their humanitarian duties.

Eyad Abed, a surgeon from Beit Lahia, recounted relentless beatings and cruel treatment despite his pleas that he was a medical professional. Such accounts of brutal violence, coupled with reports of detainees being held in metal cages and even witnessing the deaths of fellow prisoners, highlight a pattern of severe mistreatment. This constitutes not only a violation of human rights but also of international humanitarian law, which mandates the humane treatment of detainees.
The involvement of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is crucial. Israel must be held accountable for these alleged war crimes. The complicity of the United States and European countries, through continued military support for Israel, only exacerbates this situation, making them complicit in the ongoing atrocities.
We must demand transparency, accountability, and an end to the torture and unlawful detention of Palestinian healthcare workers. The silence of the international community, especially the United States and the UK, is not just a failure of morality but a failure of justice.
Finally, the murder, starvation, and horrific torture occurring in Israeli prisons against the finest of humanity—doctors and healthcare workers—are reminiscent of Auschwitz-Birkenau during World War II. Such inhumane treatment is a grave violation of human rights and dignity, echoing some of the darkest chapters in history. It is crucial that the international community holds those responsible accountable and ensures that such cruelty does not continue unchecked.

For more go to: https://callforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/

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