Saturday, August 3, 2024

Israel’s war on children 8/3/2024


                                                                  Israel’s war on children

Recent investigations by ProPublica and Al Jazeera, reveal a dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It has been confirmed that hundreds of shipments of food, fresh water, and medical supplies are being deliberately held up at border crossings, exacerbating the suffering of Gaza's most vulnerable population, particularly its children. The deliberate targeting of journalists, resulting in the deaths of many, appears to be a vain attempt to silence the truth about this unfolding catastrophe.
The Biden-Harris administration and their supporters will bear the consequences of their complicity in Israel’s actions, which have included using starvation as a weapon of war. This situation is a stark and horrific reminder of the atrocities of the Holocaust, whose victims must surely be weeping in their graves.
The conditions on the ground in Gaza are harrowing. Reports from medical professionals like Dr. Mohammed Harara describe a situation where maggot-infested wounds are left untreated due to a lack of medication and basic hygiene supplies. The consequences are fatal, as these conditions lead to sepsis and death. The malnourishment crisis is severe, with many suffering from micronutrient deficiencies and acute malnutrition, leading to a deterioration in health that prevents recovery.
British vascular surgeon Mahim Qureshi, who volunteered in Gaza, witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of these conditions. The stark reality is that many people, including children, are suffering from advanced diseases and infections due to lack of access to fresh food and medical care. The inability to heal from injuries is further compounded by poor hygiene and infection control, which are direct consequences of the blockade.
The comparison to anorexia nervosa, as described by Dr. Harara, highlights the severe psychological and physical toll of malnutrition. The deterioration is not just physical but also mental, as people are left to grapple with their bodies shutting down.
While efforts by organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières continue, the blockade and conflict have made it nearly impossible to provide adequate care. The use of makeshift solutions, like operating in inadequate facilities with improvised equipment, underscores the desperate situation.
Dr. Harara’s account of working tirelessly since October 7 reflects the exhaustion and hopelessness felt by many on the ground. The world must act to prevent further suffering and to ensure that Gaza's people do not become mere historical footnotes in a tale of preventable tragedy

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