Saturday, August 17, 2024

Who are the terrorists?

                                                                                  Who are the terrorists?

"Terror" is defined as intense fear or dread, often induced deliberately by acts of violence, intimidation, or threats. The term is commonly associated with actions intended to cause widespread fear, panic, or coercion, especially for political or ideological purposes. In this context, "terror" often refers to the psychological impact of such acts, which aim to undermine a sense of safety and security.
By this definition, relentless 24-hour bombing of a civilian population, primarily women and children, would be described as terrorism. Additionally, those supplying weapons for such acts could be considered complicit in terrorism. It would be impossible and absurd to construe these acts as legitimate defense.
This begs the question: with well over 40,000 civilians crushed to death and blown into small pieces by the Israeli military, why aren't these acts considered terrorism? And should the suppliers of these weapons of death also be labeled as terrorists?
As “self-assigned arbiters of morality,” the Biden-Harris administration needs to take a hard look at their misguided policies. What you sow, so shall you reap. Further rewarding Israel with another $20 billion in weapons sales to commit further acts of terrorism on a defenseless population is unconscionable.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu has effectively moved the goalposts again, claiming he wants a “total victory,” exposing Israel, the United States, and regional actors to endless cycle of conflict.
Well done, Biden-Harris you let the Netanyahu genie out of the bottle and have shown over and over again you cannot control him.
For more go to:

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