Saturday, August 3, 2024

Is KH black or brown, poor DJT is confused? 8/3/2024

                                   Is KH black or brown, poor DJT is confused?

I recently stumbled upon a new pastime—guessing games with Donald Trump! You see, our former President seems to have developed an intense fascination with Kamala Harris's ethnic background, oscillating between calling her "Indian" or "Black." It's almost as if he's playing a game of "Guess Who?" but instead of flipping down little character cards, he's flipping out over skin tones!
Perhaps we should consider a new reality show: "Trump's Ethnic Guessing Game!" Contestants could vie for fabulous prizes by trying to guess what ethnicity Trump thinks Kamala Harris is today. Will she be Indian, Black, Jamaican, or some new hybrid he invents on the spot? Extra points if you can decipher his pronunciation!
But why stop there? Let's add a twist: Trump could host a daily segment called "Color Commentary," where he speculates on what color Kamala's skin might be under different lighting conditions. "Folks, under this studio lighting, she could be mocha, but in the sun, she's a perfect caramel macchiato!" We could even have a spin-off: "Melanin Mysteries," where Trump guesses the percentage of melanin in various public figures!
All jokes aside, it seems our former President is less interested in policies and qualifications and more fascinated by the melanin count of our Vice President. Perhaps he's considering a career pivot to dermatology? If so, I'd suggest he start with a good look in the mirror. It might reveal some shades of orange he hasn't considered.
In all seriousness, it’s time to focus on the issues that matter and leave the skin color commentary to the skincare experts. Let's appreciate the diversity of our leaders without trying to box them into a particular shade or ethnicity. After all, in the colorful tapestry of America, it's the content of character that truly counts—not the shade of the skin.
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