Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Doctor speaks out over mass killings of children in Gaza 8/21/2024

                                    Doctor speaks out over mass killings of children in Gaza

I am deeply moved by the accounts shared by Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, who has worked as a medic in Gaza. Her testimony sheds light on the harrowing realities faced by the people of Gaza and the immense challenges that healthcare professionals encounter in this conflict zone. As Dr. Haj-Hassan pointed out, the Israeli military campaign is not only targeting lives but also the very infrastructure necessary for survival, rendering the work of physicians nearly impossible.
The horrors described, including the targeting of children and the devastation of entire families, underscore the urgent need for international intervention. The stories of doctors haunted by the faces of parents asking why they didn’t do more to save their children are a call to action for all of us.
It is heartbreaking to hear that children in Gaza are wishing for death because of the unbearable conditions they face. This is a tragic indictment of the ongoing military actions and the international community's failure to stop them.
Dr. Haj-Hassan’s experiences challenge the narrative that civilian lives are being protected. Her firsthand accounts suggest that much more must be done to safeguard innocent lives.
We must demand an immediate embargo of military weapons to Israel. This makes a complete mockery of the Biden-Harris repeated mantra, “Israel has the right to defend itself.” This is US-Israel mass murder & mass starvation.

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