Monday, August 5, 2024

DJT in hot water again, coverup by former AJ Barr? 8/5/2024

                                   DJT in hot water again, coverup by former AJ Barr?

The recent revelations by The Washington Post regarding the Egyptian government's alleged attempt to funnel $10 million to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign are deeply concerning. This new information, uncovered by journalists Carol Leonnig and Aaron Davis, indicates that a Department of Justice investigation into the matter was abruptly closed by then-Attorney General Bill Barr, citing "a lack of sufficient evidence."
The Post's report suggests a troubling narrative of potential foreign influence on a U.S. presidential candidate. The cash withdrawal, which amounted to 200 pounds, was made from a state-run bank in Cairo just days before Trump's inauguration. The implications are serious: if the money had indeed reached Trump's campaign, it could constitute bribery and raise significant questions about the integrity of the election and the potential compromise of a sitting president.
Furthermore, the report highlights how Trump, during his presidency, shifted U.S. policy in favor of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. This included releasing millions in military aid despite concerns over Egypt's human rights record. The relationship between Trump and el-Sisi, referred to by Trump as "my favorite dictator," warrants scrutiny, especially in light of these new allegations.
The decision to halt the investigation into these serious allegations is concerning, particularly given the subsequent actions of the Trump administration toward Egypt. While the statute of limitations may prevent legal repercussions, the public deserves transparency and accountability from their leaders. The full details of this case and any potential foreign influence on our political processes must be thoroughly investigated and disclosed.

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