Monday, August 19, 2024

Mass murder & intimidation by settler terrorists funded by our tax dollars 8/19/2024

                           Mass murder & intimidation by settler terrorists funded by our tax dollars

The tragic attack on the village of Jit, as reported in "A Family Flees and a Mother Mourns After Israeli Settlers Attack a Palestinian Village," highlights a grave and ongoing crisis in the West Bank. The brutality inflicted upon innocent civilians, including the murder of Rasheed al-Seda and the terrorization of families like the al-Sidee's, is a stark reminder of the unchecked violence settlers are able to perpetrate with impunity. The Israeli military's delayed response, despite their acknowledgment of the attack, only exacerbates the sense of injustice and fear felt by Palestinians.
The current Israeli government’s policies, particularly those advanced by far-right members, have emboldened such violent acts, turning a blind eye to the human cost of their expansionist ambitions. The international community must recognize that this is not just a series of isolated incidents but part of a broader strategy that threatens the very existence of Palestinian communities in the West Bank.
The suffering of families like the al-Sidee's and the grief of mothers like Iman al-Seda should not be ignored. Their voices, their losses, and their fears must be heard and addressed. This is not just a Palestinian issue or an Israeli issue—it is a human rights issue that demands global attention and action.
This is the tragic legacy of the Biden-Harris administration who have allowed such barbarity.
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