Monday, August 5, 2024

U.S. must end support to Israel 8/5/2024

                                                        U.S. must end support to Israel

Why are we spending our tax dollars defending Israel, a country that has forcibly taken Palestinian land with brute force since 1948 (the Nakba) and has acted in opposition to stated U.S. goals of achieving a ceasefire and releasing hostages? Their actions have escalated conflicts, including targeted killings in Iran.
Our government seems to have an innate tendency to use muscular force contrary to the ethical teachings of our spiritual leaders, subjugating weaker nations and stealing their resources. For instance, in 1953, we overthrew the democratically elected government in Tehran to please the British, who benefited from stolen Iranian oil. Former President Trump then torpedoed the Iran nuclear deal, but it was Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who further undermined efforts by opposing the deal and causing greater hostility with Iran. The newly elected Iranian leader had expressed a desire for warmer relations with the U.S. in exchange for sanctions relief, but Netanyahu's actions, including the assassination of an Iranian leader, have created an almost certain possibility of a wider conflict.
Why do we consistently rush to defend a "client" state that works against our interests and disregards the sanctity of non-Jewish lives, particularly the Palestinians? This reveals the Biden-Harris administration's inability to control its client state. It is time we Americans demand an end to unconditional support for Israel, which has shown total disregard for Palestinian lives.
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