Sunday, August 11, 2024

Political expedience triumphs overJustice 8/11/2024

                                             Political expedience triumphs overJustice 

 Contrary to her alleged concern for the unrelenting terrorist attacks killing innocent civilians in Gaza and the settler terrorism in the West Bank, Vice President Harris's national security adviser has refused to impose an arms embargo on Israel. This refusal effectively gives a green light for Israel's killing machine to continue its rampage under the tired and misleading refrain that "Israel has a right to defend itself." The genocide will continue unchecked, regardless of who becomes the next occupant of the White House.

This will go down in history as a moment where political expedience triumphed over justice and basic human rights. The occupation of the indigenous population has succeeded with the help of a morally bankrupt United States and other Western powers who are supporting this genocide. Shame on Biden-Harris and Trump alike.
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