Monday, August 26, 2024

Saints and the merchants of death 8/26/2024

                                               Saints and the merchants of death

Kate Forbes's moving essay, "Humanitarians Are Dying. Why Doesn’t the World Care?" highlights a pressing and tragic issue: the rising number of humanitarian aid workers losing their lives in conflict zones. It is heart-wrenching to learn about the deaths of dedicated individuals like Mohammed Al-Omari and Amit Man, who gave their lives to save others. This year alone, 187 humanitarian workers have been killed, and the numbers are on track to reach unprecedented levels.
Forbes rightly points out that long-standing norms protecting humanitarian workers are being eroded, and misinformation further exacerbates their vulnerability. These men and women, often from the communities they serve, work tirelessly to provide care in times of crisis
Their deaths should be a call to action for governments and international organizations to renew their commitment to safeguarding the lives of those who dedicate themselves to helping others.
Republicans and Democrats alike falsely conflate support for “Israel’s right to defend itself” with maintaining a continuous supply of weapons of death, ensuring the annihilation and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, reminiscent of the Holocaust.
For more go to:

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