Sunday, June 30, 2024

Israel 6/30/2026



The West Bank territory was seized by Israel following the 1967 war, initially held to protect Israelis from another conflict. However, the decision by previous Likud governments to permit Israeli settlements in the West Bank has set the stage for the ongoing conflict today. Palestinians have a legal right to their homes, farms, and businesses. Any long-term resolution to the conflict in the region must reflect the rights of Palestinians to live in their homes and go about their lives peacefully.

The settler terrorism in the West Bank and Gaza, funded and supported by America, is likely to cost Biden the election. The U.S. news media tries to cover up the disaster, rarely mentioning it as a factor in Biden's loss of support in mainstream outlets. However, young people and people of color see through this and may not vote in large numbers in the upcoming election. These are the groups Biden needs to win, which is why he must consider stepping aside.

Nick Kristof of the New York Times is one of the few reporters who keeps the spotlight on the West Bank and Gaza. Highlighting the human tragedies occurring in all directions is of utmost importance. Americans, in particular, need your balanced reporting on the realities in this region. Human rights and basic human dignity cannot be reserved for some and denied to others. The U.S. has failed in exercising leadership to neutralize far-right fanaticism in all directions. Mr. Trump could not even bring himself to acknowledge a two-state solution during the recent debate. May all Israelis and Palestinians of goodwill advance the call for justice and peace. Force is not the solution, and hatred can have a multi-generational impact.

Relegating Palestinians to become second-class citizens in their own land, much like apartheid South Africa, is not the answer. If Biden is too timid to stand up to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s acts of terrorism, he should step aside. Supplying Israel with more weapons makes us complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide. We must demand an immediate cease-fire and resumption of crucial aid to halt the mass starvation of civilians.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Gender apartheid in Islam 6/29/2024


                                                  Gender apartheid in Islam

The United States spent decades in Afghanistan, spending billions, only to leave the situation for women far worse than before. It’s time for women around the world to be liberated from the imposition of archaic rules and customs, such as the mandatory hijab in Iran and the severe lack of women's rights in Afghanistan and throughout the Muslim world. The United Nations should convene a meeting to encourage Islam to modernize its faith.

Women worldwide should displace men in key government positions to bring order and sanity, correcting the mess men have created. This approach aligns with a simple Persian prayer: "I praise the thought well thought, the word well spoken, and the deed well done." It is worth noting that the founder of the Sikh faith was a pioneer of women's rights.

When the Taliban retook power in Afghanistan in August 2021, they initially suspended education for girls above the sixth grade until conditions were deemed suitable under Islamic rules. Now, over 1,000 days later, school remains off-limits for girls older than 12, and restrictions have extended to universities. The Taliban claim education is an "internal matter," leaving the future of girls' education uncertain.

Denial of education is only one of many Taliban decrees against women. Female civil servants were instructed not to report to work, and women are now barred from working at NGOs and humanitarian agencies, including the United Nations. Many female-owned businesses, such as beauty salons, have been shuttered. Women and girls must be accompanied by a male relative to travel.

As a result, women and girls have been virtually erased from public life, deprived of their most basic rights. Afghan women began describing the Taliban’s policies as gender apartheid in the 1990s, and there is a growing call to criminalize such policies under international law.

The Taliban’s institutionalized oppression is devastating not only for the current generation of Afghan women and girls but also for future generations. Boys, raised in a system that dehumanizes women, may follow their leaders’ example and continue to mistreat women, becoming vulnerable to radicalization, which poses security concerns beyond Afghanistan’s borders. The Taliban's gender policies also severely deprive LGBTQ individuals of their fundamental rights.

Despite these oppressive conditions, Afghan women and girls are resisting. Some have protested in the streets, risking arrest and violence. Girls with internet access, a minority, are taking online classes, and female entrepreneurs are finding creative ways to circumvent restrictions.

It would be easy to leave these women to struggle alone, claiming that the international community has done enough damage in Afghanistan. But that would be a grave disservice to both the defiant women and those without the economic capacity to fight back. We have an obligation to meet their bravery with increased protection, support, and solidarity.

The upcoming meeting in Doha, Qatar, will discuss a political path forward for Afghanistan. The agenda, however, focuses on fighting narcotics and helping the private sector, excluding human rights and women's issues. If these exclusions are the price of the Taliban’s presence in Doha, the cost is too high.

The international community must insist on reversing the restriction of Afghan women’s and girls’ rights, ensuring their meaningful participation in decision-making, and holding the Taliban accountable. Having these issues explicitly on the agenda in Doha would be an important first step.

The bravery, dignity, and perseverance of millions of Afghans in the face of gross injustice must be matched by strong, principled, and effective international leadership.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Letter to President Biden 6/14/2024

                                                    Letter to President Biden

Dear President Biden,

Subject: Urgent Appeal for Ceasefire in Gaza: Protect the Innocent Children Shame on Israel and the United States for continuing to violate their sacred texts. Children in Gaza continue to die of hunger. On Thursday, the World Health Organization confirmed 32 deaths from malnutrition — most of whom were children under 5. UNICEF reported nearly 3,000 children in southern Gaza have been cut off from treatment for moderate and severe acute malnutrition, putting them at risk of death.

Meanwhile, the U.N. reports that violence against children caught in armed conflict last year reached “extreme levels,” with a 21% increase in severe violations. The surge in violence occurred amid Israel’s relentless assault on the Gaza Strip — now in its ninth month.

Overnight, Israeli forces pushed deeper into the Shaboura refugee camp in southern Gaza. Elsewhere, one person was killed, and three children were wounded after Israel bombed a home in the Bureij refugee camp. Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza City killed at least 14 people. Meanwhile, Israeli forces killed at least three Palestinians in overnight raids in the West Bank.

What profits Israel when they starve and murder innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, especially children? They lose their very soul, aided and abetted by an aging President of America who feigns concern but continues to send $1 billion to kill more civilians. This is not self-defense but horrific genocide.

Jewish law (Halacha) emphasizes the protection of children from harm. The Talmud contains numerous references to the responsibility of parents and the community to ensure children's safety and well-being. Children are seen as valuable and innocent beings deserving of protection and care.

In summary, the Abrahamic religions share a profound commitment to the rights and safety of children. Christianity also places significant emphasis on the rights and protection of children, drawing from teachings of Jesus and other Biblical texts: Innocence and Value: Jesus highlighted the importance of children, saying, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14).

Mr. President, killing and starving thousands of children is not self-defense. Please pick up the phone and order an immediate ceasefire, failing which no more weapons should be sent. Finally, end the occupation demanding equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians.

A recent U.N. report 6/13/2024

                                                     A recent U.N. report

Mr. President, one call could end the violence in Gaza A recent U.N. report has accused Israel of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during its eight-month assault on Gaza, where the death toll has surpassed 37,000, including over 15,000 children. Senior Palestinian diplomat Majed Bamya emphasized that peace in the region is only achievable by ending the occupation and establishing two states living side by side.

The U.N. Security Council has endorsed a ceasefire and hostage deal supported by the U.S., but Israeli leaders have yet to publicly commit to it. While Hamas has welcomed the proposal, Israeli officials have not made any definitive statements, raising concerns that the conflict may continue.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization, highlighted that 8,000 Palestinian children under five are suffering from acute malnutrition, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. The WHO reports that the most needy are not receiving sufficient aid.

Bamya reiterated the Palestinian call for a ceasefire to end the violence, address humanitarian needs, and reunite families separated by the conflict.

A new U.N. report also accuses both Israel and Hamas of committing war crimes, with Israel accused of using starvation as a weapon and Hamas of targeting civilians with indiscriminate attacks. Bamya stressed that upholding international law and ensuring accountability are crucial for ending the conflict and achieving peace.

Bamya concluded by highlighting the need for consistent international outrage against all forms of violence and for recognizing Palestine as a state to support a two-state solution. He emphasized that ending the killing and ensuring accountability for all parties involved is paramount. It is time President Biden breaks his long silence and demands a ceasefire and an end to supplying weapons to Israel, which the IDF has used to slaughter and starve civilians. Finally, we as a nation must demand an end to the vicious and cruel occupation, the root cause of the conflict, which has been supported by the U.S. since 1948.

Palestinian Journalists die, IDF lies, Biden sighs

                                 Palestinian Journalists die, IDF lies, Biden sighs 

The recent findings of the Gaza Project, a collaborative investigation led by the nonprofit groupForbidden Stories, have highlighted the alarming and unprecedented targeting of Palestinian journalists in Gaza. Gaza has now become the deadliest place on Earth for journalists, with as many as 140 journalists and media workers killed since October, according to the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate.

This figure represents a staggering 10% of the journalists in Gaza.
The Gaza Project's investigation, which involved 50 journalists from 13
different news organizations, reveals that at least 40 journalists were
killed while in their homes, 14 were wearing press vests when attacked by
the Israeli army, and 18 were killed, injured, or allegedly targeted by
drones. The investigation also documented the targeting of the Agence
France-Presse's Gaza bureau and the killing of Bilal Jadallah, the founder
of Press House-Palestine, a landmark media organization in Gaza.
Hoda Osman, a journalist and executive editor of Arab Reporters for
Investigative Journalism, emphasized the scale of these deaths as
"unprecedented" and not a "natural result" of wartime conflict. She stresses
that this situation should be a crisis for journalists worldwide,
highlighting the systematic nature of these attacks on journalists in Gaza
and the West Bank.
The Gaza Project's detailed investigation showcases a series of targeted
attacks on journalists and media offices, including direct firing by Israeli
tanks on AFP offices and the complete destruction of Press House. These
findings push back against Israeli claims that journalists have not been
targeted and call for a global outcry and action to protect journalists in
conflict zones.
The plight of the surviving journalists in Gaza is also dire. Many have been
displaced multiple times, lost family members, homes, jobs, and essential
reporting equipment. With no foreign journalists allowed into Gaza, these
local journalists continue to report under perilous conditions, often
becoming the story themselves.
In summary, the Gaza Project sheds light on the targeted violence against
journalists in Gaza, urging the global community to recognize and address
this critical issue.

GAZA 6/28/2024



The Gaza Project, led by Forbidden Stories, has revealed the unprecedented targeting of Palestinian journalists. Gaza is now the deadliest place for journalists in the world, with 140 killed since October. Findings show that at least 40 were killed at home, 14 while wearing press vests, and 18 targeted by drones. The Agence France-Presse’s Gaza bureau was also attacked, and Bilal Jadallah, founder of Press House-Palestine, was killed.

Hoda Osman, of Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, emphasized that these deaths are not a "natural result" of conflict but a systematic attack, calling it a crisis for journalists in Gaza. The surviving journalists face dire conditions, with many displaced, losing family members, homes, jobs, and essential equipment. This investigation demands a global response to protect journalists in Gaza. Israel continues to maintain tight control over the news to ensure that the massive war crimes committed by its IDF do not reach weapons suppliers like the United States.

Gaza's Tragic Toll and International Complicity 6/28/2024

                                     Gaza's Tragic Toll and International Complicity

 Another shameful chapter has emerged, highlighting the ongoing genocide supported by Israel's allies. The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted 269-144 to ban the State Department from citing death toll figures provided by the Gaza Ministry of Health. This decision stifles crucial information about the human cost of the conflict.

Before the vote, Congress's lone Palestinian American lawmaker, Democrat Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, read into the Congressional Record the harrowing toll of Palestinians killed during Israel's assault on Gaza: over 37,700 dead, including 15,000 children. This tragedy, funded by U.S. taxpayers, continues with fresh attacks. Just today, Israeli forces bombed al-Mawasi, killing at least 11 Palestinians and wounding 40 others. Gaza’s Civil Defense agency reported that three medics were killed, and a dozen others wounded while searching for survivors in the Bureij refugee camp.

The suffering is compounded by Israeli authorities barring many Palestinians from leaving Gaza for medical treatment. Kamela Abu Kwaik, mother to a 5-year-old cancer patient, poignantly questioned, “Why is there suffering like this? Are people’s hearts blind? Is it OK for them to see us suffering like this?”

In addition to the devastation in Gaza, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant threatened to bomb Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" unless Hezbollah halts cross-border attacks. This aggressive stance comes as the Biden administration defends its rapid arms shipments to Israel, totaling $6.5 billion since last October. Peace activists, including CodePink, have condemned Gallant, labeling him a war criminal for his role in the genocide of Palestinians.

Congresswoman Tlaib emphasized that Palestinians are not mere statistics: "Behind these numbers are real people — mothers, fathers, sons, daughters — who have had their lives stolen from them and their families torn apart. We should not be trying to hide it. These are innocent children and babies who have been bombed in their tents, burned alive, dismembered, and deliberately starved to death. This is genocide denial."

The U.S. military's involvement in both the exploitation of Hawaiian lands and the conflict in Gaza has not gone unnoticed. Rose Elovitz from Jewish Voice for Peace-Hawaiʻi highlighted the direct connection, stating, "Palestine is a weapon testing ground for Israeli weapons exported worldwide, just as Hawaii is a testing ground for U.S. weapons and trainings. The bombs tested in the sacred Mākua Valley are the same bombs dropped in Gaza."

It is imperative for us to recognize the shared humanity of all people and condemn the atrocities being committed. Silence and complicity only perpetuate the suffering of the innocent.

It is tragic that the starving emaciated bodies of children are resembling the Jewish children during the Holocaust.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mass starvation & killing 4/27/2024

                                                    Mass starvation & killing

Mass starvation & killing making our nation complicit in genocide in Gaza & West Bank A panel of global hunger experts warned this week that the Gaza Strip was on the brink of famine, but to many Gazans, it feels as if it is already here. Almost half a million people in the territory face starvation. Each day brings a new struggle to find food. In Gaza, 34 people had died from malnutrition as of Sunday, the majority being children.

Food shortages have been reported across the enclave. The biggest challenge for many is preparing food due to a lack of cooking gas and firewood.

I urge all readers to recognize the severity of the situation and advocate for immediate humanitarian aid and intervention to prevent further loss of innocent lives.

I implore concerned citizens to call The White House comment line at 202-456-1111 and demand an immediate ceasefire, resumption of food, water, and fuel to Gazans, and an immediate end to all weapons sales and economic aid to Israel.

Julian Assange 6/26/2024

                                                Julian Assange

The recent release of Julian Assange has been a monumental event, particularly in Australia. Australian Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, a staunch advocate for Assange, described the publisher’s case as "a big deal" that transcended political divisions in the country. He highlighted the significant grassroots campaign by thousands in Australia and millions globally that brought Assange's plight to the attention of politicians.

The senator also underscored the importance of the close relationship between Australia and the United States in achieving this outcome. Public sentiment in Australia, bolstered by recent disclosures of war crimes by Australian and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, has shifted in favor of whistleblowers and press freedom, further supporting Assange's cause.

While Assange’s release marks a victory for him and his family, it also highlights ongoing concerns about journalism and press freedom. After years in solitary confinement, first in Belmarsh Prison and previously in an embassy, Assange’s return home is a relief to many. This outcome, driven by persistent grassroots efforts and diplomatic negotiations, underscores the power of collective advocacy and the importance of protecting journalistic freedom

An amazing journalist, Maha Hussaini 6/26/2024


                          An amazing journalist, Maha Hussaini

I am writing to address the recent controversy involving Palestinian journalist Maha Hussaini and the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF). The IWMF rescinded its Courage in Journalism Award to Hussaini after a smear campaign led by the Washington Free Beacon. Hussaini, an award-winning journalist and human rights advocate, has extensively documented Israel’s war on Gaza, reporting on the mass displacement of Palestinians while being repeatedly displaced herself.

Hussaini has faced numerous smear campaigns throughout her career. In 2020, she won the Martin Adler Prize from the Rory Peck Trust and faced similar attacks. Despite these challenges, she continues her critical work. The decision by the IWMF to rescind her award has drawn widespread condemnation, including from the Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network, which emphasized the importance of freedom of speech and the right of journalists in Gaza to express themselves.

In an op-ed for Middle East Eye, Hussaini criticized the IWMF for its lack of courage, stating, "Winning a prize for 'courage' means being subjected to attacks and choosing to continue your work regardless." Hussaini's reporting has highlighted severe conditions in Gaza, including starvation and field executions of Palestinians.

Her work is vital, especially as she continues to report from Deir al-Balah amidst ongoing Israeli bombings. The rescinding of her award underscores the broader issue of the global media's complicity in silencing Palestinian journalists, who face both physical and systematic intimidation. It is crucial that the international community stands in solidarity with journalists like Hussaini, who risk their lives to report the truth.

Malnutrition Due to the Severe Starvation Imposed by Israel. 6/26/2024


              Malnutrition Due to the Severe Starvation Imposed by Israel.

Actually, Israel is imposing a collective punishment on the civilian population in the north of Gaza Strip. As you know, on the 13th of October, Israel issued forced evacuation orders to the residents in the whole of Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip. Those who did not comply with these forced orders are now facing a collective punishment by Israel for not complying with these orders. And while Israel allows, under severe restrictions, the goods and the aid to enter the southern and the central parts of the Gaza Strip, it completely bans any kind of food and any kind of aid into the Gaza City, and we are talking about dozens of people who have died due to malnutrition. Only last week alone, four Palestinian children have died due to malnutrition at Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip. We are now talking about over 5,000 Palestinian children in the north of Gaza who are at risk of dying due to malnutrition.

So, this is particularly an Israeli systematic tool of war, which it has used to starve the Palestinian population and to push them to come to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip. I have testimonies from people there who reported to me that amid the starvation of the Gaza Strip and the Gaza City in particular, the Israeli army, at checkpoints — when they cross the checkpoints, the Israeli army and Israeli soldiers tell the residents that “If you want to eat, go to the south.” So, this is like a kind of intimidation and forced displacement tool for Palestinians, that if they want to really live, they have to evacuate, to forcibly evacuate their homes and comply with Israeli orders to go to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip.

And this is why I think that Israel is allowing aid into the southern Gaza Strip. It’s not only for the mere, like, benefit of the residents, because they have been bombing also residents who are allowed to get some food here in the southern Gaza Strip, but I think that this is kind of like —

Journalist Maha Hussaini 6/26/2024

                                  Journalist Maha Hussaini

We go to Gaza to speak with Palestinian journalist Maha Hussaini after the International Women’s Media Foundation came under fire for rescinding its Courage in Journalism Award to her following a smear campaign. Hussaini is an award-winning journalist and human rights advocate who has extensively documented Israel’s war on Gaza since October, including reporting on the mass displacement of Palestinians while being repeatedly displaced herself. “This is not the first time, by the way, that I have been subjected to such smear campaigns,” says Hussaini, who recounts a career spent defending her work against attacks and intimidations from Israel and its supporters. Hussaini speaks to us from Deir al-Balah in central Gaza and reports on dire conditions there. “The war waged on the Gaza Strip is not a war against particular armed factions, but against the entire population of 2.3 million residents,” Hussaini says.

The International Women’s Media Foundation is under fire for rescinding its Courage in Journalism Award to the Gaza-based Palestinian journalist Maha Hussaini following a smear campaign led by the conservative website Washington Free Beacon and false accusations against Hussaini of antisemitism.

Maha Hussaini is an award-winning journalist, human rights advocate, who has worked for several outlets, including the Middle East Eye. One of her pieces published earlier this year uncovered Israeli field executions of Palestinians in Gaza City. She’s also extensively reported on the mass displacement of Palestinians across Gaza since October, including herself, and the agonizing conditions faced by Palestinian mothers struggling to feed their babies as Israel is accused of using starvation as a weapon of war. Maha Hussaini herself has been repeatedly displaced. In April, she attempted to return home in Gaza City as thousands of others risked their lives to head back north.

Many around the world have expressed their solidarity and support for Maha Hussaini, including the Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network, which said in a statement, quote, “We are extremely disappointed that IWMF took this decision, and we remain concerned for Maha’s safety. The Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network believes in freedom of speech, and that journalists in Gaza should have the same rights to express themselves as elsewhere in the world,” they wrote. Marie Catherine Colvin was a U.S. journalist killed while reporting on Syria’s war in 2012. She was reporting for British paper The Sunday Times.

Maha Hussaini also responded to the IWMF in an op-ed published in the Middle East Eye titled “You can take away my award but you won’t take away my voice,” in which she wrote, quote, “I would not have won this award if I had not been on the ground exposing flagrant Israeli violations under perilous conditions, all while being systematically attacked by supporters of the perpetrators. Winning a prize for 'courage' means being subjected to attacks and choosing to continue your work regardless. Regrettably, the very organisation that recognised these perilous conditions and awarded me the prize chose to be uncourageous,” Hussaini wrote.

She’s joining us now from Gaza, from Deir al-Balah.

We welcome you to Democracy Now! We know there’s a big delay in the broadcast sound. Maha Hussaini, can you share your response to this controversy, though there is overwhelming support for you, as well, being expressed by journalist organizations, and talk about what’s happening on the ground in Gaza where you are?

MAHA HUSSAINI: Well, I’m now in Deir al-Balah, particularly in Al-Aqsa, at the Al-Aqsa Hospital, where in the background there are actually dozens of victims arriving in the ongoing Israeli bombing while I’m speaking to you now.

My Courage in Journalism Award was rescinded for the very reason that I have been awarded. It was rescinded for speaking up against these violations or talking even as a Palestinian living under these conditions, under occupation and under a strangling blockade, and being displaced several times. Unfortunately, this is why we, as Palestinians, see the global media outlets, the Western media outlets, can be seen as complicit in the silencing of Palestinian journalists, because they always succumb to these pressures by the Israeli occupation or the perpetrators, in general.

This is not the first time, by the way, that I have been subjected to such smear campaigns and incitement campaigns. In 2020, I have won also the Martin Adler Prize by the Rory Peck Trust. And following the awarding of this prize, I was subjected to a large smear campaign by pro-Israelis on social media calling on the Rory Peck Trust to withdraw their prize to me. But this time, Rory Peck was courageous enough, and they did not succumb to this pressure.

But, unfortunately, 24 hours after this very campaign was launched on Wednesday, I woke up to the news that the IWMF has rescinded this award, without even referring to me or without informing me. I knew of this rescinding of this award on social media.

And this is why maybe Palestinian journalists are always intimidated. Many, many journalists across Palestine sometimes do not continue in this work because of the level of intimidation, not just physical attacks, particularly the targeted killing of Palestinians. We’re talking about 150 Palestinian journalists who have been killed since the beginning of this attack on Gaza. But this is not the only way Palestinians are targeted. There are many kinds of targeting that Palestinian journalists have been subjected to since — for decades. I have been working as a war reporter and journalist for around a decade. And over the past decade, I have been subjected to many smear campaigns, many attacks and many intimidations by both the Israeli occupation and the supporters of the perpetrators.

It’s not only me. It’s not about me. It’s not about Maha Hussaini. It’s about every Palestinian journalist working in the Palestinian territory and in Palestine in general. Last month, for example, a colleague journalist reported that he received a call from the Israeli army informing him in Arabic that if he did not stop recording the violations on the ground, they would kill him. And they hang up the phone. So, there are this systematic campaign, these systematic attacks against Palestinians to silence them. And this is why maybe we continue our work, because at the time when the perpetrators of human rights violations do not want these evidence to be seen, we have to continue reporting.

Maha, you’ve been repeatedly displaced by Israeli attacks in Gaza and have brought your cat Tom with you from shelter to shelter. In April, you shared a photo of Tom on social media with the words, quote, “Post fasting coffee with Tom on a window overlooking our displacement neighborhood in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.. in the background is total darkness broken only by the dim glow of a mosque where a generator is run during prayer times.”

You’ve also written about Israeli executions of Palestinians. In December, you wrote about a piece describing Israeli mass executions in Gaza City. You wrote, quote, “For three days, Moemen Raed al-Khaldi lay wounded and motionless between the corpses of his killed family members, pretending to be dead to protect himself from being shot by Israeli soldiers. On 21 December, Israeli soldiers broke into the house where the Khaldi family had taken refuge in northern Gaza and, in mere minutes, they shot everyone present. The soldiers left the house thinking they had killed them all, only Moemen remained alive, bleeding for days before the neighbours found him and took him to hospital.” Can you explain this video and how the Israeli military responded?

MAHA HUSSAINI: Yes. This is actually one of the reports that were used in South Africa’s case against Israel, accusing it of committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. This is one of the cases, one of the dozens of cases or hundreds of cases of field executions against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. And this is why we say that the war waged on the Gaza Strip is not a war against particular armed factions, but against the entire population of 2.3 million residents.

And this is why maybe I think that Israel attempts to impose a blackout on the entire of the Gaza Strip and to ban international journalists and international inquiry crews from entering to investigate these crimes and these human rights violations. As I said, this is one of the cases I have reported on. I have reported on hundreds of cases, actually, of not just field execution, but also use of civilians as human shields, assaults against women, sexual assaults against women and men, as well. So, yes, we are talking about a wide range, scale of violations against Palestinian civilians. And that’s why Israel has been attempting, since the beginning of this attack, of imposing several blackouts on the Gaza Strip.

And can you describe what you wrote about just in the last week, starvation particularly in northern Gaza?

MAHA HUSSAINI: Yeah. Actually, I’ve been in touch with many people in northern Gaza. I am now in the central Gaza Strip. I have evacuated my home in northern Gaza, in Gaza City particularly, on the 13th of October. I have been forcibly displaced, actually, after my home — also my home was bombed back in October or in November. But I’m still in touch with people there in the north, who reported that they cannot find anything to eat. My friend, for example, in the north of Gaza City says that she cannot find anything to feed her toddler, who is actually in need, in severe need, of milk, of food, of nutrition. And he is now suffering malnutrition due to the severe starvation imposed by Israel.

Actually, Israel is imposing a collective punishment on the civilian population in the north of Gaza Strip. As you know, on the 13th of October, Israel issued forced evacuation orders to the residents in the whole of Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip. Those who did not comply with these forced orders are now facing a collective punishment by Israel for not complying with these orders. And while Israel allows, under severe restrictions, the goods and the aid to enter the southern and the central parts of the Gaza Strip, it completely bans any kind of food and any kind of aid into the Gaza City, and we are talking about dozens of people who have died due to malnutrition. Only last week alone, four Palestinian children have died due to malnutrition at Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip. We are now talking about over 5,000 Palestinian children in the north of Gaza who are at risk of dying due to malnutrition.

So, this is particularly an Israeli systematic tool of war, which it has used to starve the Palestinian population and to push them to come to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip. I have testimonies from people there who reported to me that amid the starvation of the Gaza Strip and the Gaza City in particular, the Israeli army, at checkpoints — when they cross the checkpoints, the Israeli army and Israeli soldiers tell the residents that “If you want to eat, go to the south.” So, this is like a kind of intimidation and forced displacement tool for Palestinians, that if they want to really live, they have to evacuate, to forcibly evacuate their homes and comply with Israeli orders to go to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip.

And this is why I think that Israel is allowing aid into the southern Gaza Strip. It’s not only for the mere, like, benefit of the residents, because they have been bombing also residents who are allowed to get some food here in the southern Gaza Strip, but I think that this is kind of like —

Israel War of Terror Continues with Full U.S. Support 6/25/2024


                             Israel War of Terror Continues with Full U.S. Support

Israel War of Terror Continues with Full U.S. Support Israeli Strike Kills Health Official, Gazans Say, as Gallant Visits U.S.

Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, met with the C.I.A. director and the Secretary of State on Monday as Israel signaled a potential shift in its military campaign in Gaza. On the same day, Gaza mourned the death of Hani al-Jafarawi, chief of ambulance and emergency teams, after local health officials reported he was killed in an overnight Israeli strike on a clinic in Gaza City. Hundreds of health care workers in Gaza have perished due to Israel’s intense bombing campaign or have been caught in ground combat between the Israeli military and Hamas, according to the Health Ministry.

In Washington, Mr. Gallant planned to discuss the transition to “Phase C” in Gaza. This phase includes intense airstrikes, ground operations to eliminate resistance, and creating a new security reality for Israeli citizens. Glaringly absent was any concern for the homes and lives lost in the Israeli-US genocide and war crimes committed.

Israel’s total disregard for Palestinian lives proves once again that it considers only Jewish lives worthy of protecting, disrupting the rule-based order that the U.S. is so fond of echoing but rarely following. Future generations will undoubtedly view our role and complicity in genocide, mimicking the slaughter of Native Americans, with absolute horror. I shudder to think what is in store for Netanyahu and President Biden on the day of judgment.

IDF barbarity 6/24/2024


                                                    IDF barbarity

I am writing to express my deep concern over the recent actions of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), which have once again highlighted the ongoing issues of military conduct and human rights in the occupied West Bank. On Saturday, Israeli troops tied a wounded Palestinian, Mujahid Ballas, to the top of a military vehicle during an operation in Wadi Burqin, near Jenin. This disturbing incident, captured on video, has rightfully sparked outrage.

The raid aimed to arrest individuals suspected of involvement in militant activities, leading to a firefight between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers. Mujahid Ballas, who was injured and later identified as a 22-year-old resident of Jenin, was tied to the vehicle. Ballas, who sustained gunshot wounds and burns from the vehicle’s hood, was eventually handed over to the Palestinian Red Crescent for medical treatment. His father, Raed Ballas, insists that Mujahid was not involved in militant activities and was merely visiting his uncle’s house when the raid occurred.

The IDF has killed over 500 Palestinians since October 7. The near-nightly raids by the Israeli military have also led to the arrest of thousands of Palestinians.

This incident underscores the urgent need for a thorough and transparent investigation into the IDF's actions.

Biden’s Israel policy, “Speak softly and carry a big carrot” 6/23/2024


                        Biden’s Israel policy, “Speak softly and carry a big carrot”

A few months ago, President Biden seemed frustrated as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel ignored his calls for restraint in Gaza. In March, Biden was asked if his calls for Israel not to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah marked a “red line,” indicating serious consequences if crossed. “It is a red line,” Biden said, “but I’m never gonna leave Israel.” It was unclear what this meant, but it seemed to imply that an Israeli invasion of Rafah would lead to a suspension of offensive weapon transfers while maintaining defensive aid.

In April, Biden urged Netanyahu to announce and implement specific steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers, linking U.S. policy to Israel's actions. In May, Biden reiterated a red line, telling CNN, “If they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons” used against cities. This suggested Biden was finally willing to stand up to Netanyahu and prevent a humanitarian disaster in Rafah.

Despite these declarations, Biden has since allowed Netanyahu to act without consequences. Israel invaded Rafah, reduced food supplies to southern Gaza, killed at least 15 additional aid workers, and conducted reckless bombings. Now, as Biden proceeds with an $18 billion sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel, it sends a signal that there are no consequences for ignoring his warnings.

Former administration official Jeremy Konyndyk observed, “What Biden has shown Netanyahu over and over is that he will wag his finger but he won’t enforce the finger-wagging.” Netanyahu has shown ingratitude by criticizing the Biden administration and preparing to bypass the White House to speak to Congress. Diplomacy involves sticks and carrots, but Netanyahu doesn’t take Biden seriously because Biden mostly speaks softly and carries a big carrot.

Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper, asked, “How much more proof does Biden need that Netanyahu is not a U.S. ally?” If Biden’s red lines are meaningless in Gaza, why should Russia, China, or Iran find him credible? The Biden administration needs to reassess its approach and enforce consequences to maintain international credibility and uphold a rules-based order.

The war in Gaza may drag on, and Israel is contemplating an attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon. Biden’s perceived weakness in dealing with Netanyahu limits his influence and undermines efforts to prevent further conflicts. While navigating real-world policy is complex, Biden must recognize that his Gaza policy is a failure. It has not helped anyone but Netanyahu and has damaged the U.S.'s standing. Biden needs to cut Netanyahu off and stop treating Israel as the 51st state. It’s time for the administration to enforce its red lines and demonstrate that there are consequences for actions that undermine peace and stability.

Why now, after 75 years, and the great success Israel has enjoyed, must our hands be tied by Netanyahu and his hard-right cabinet? Why must billions of our tax dollars go to Israel, year after year, with little help in finding a lasting peace in the Middle East?

Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and hundreds of senators received substantial donations from AIPAC. And we worry about Russian interference in our elections? Really.

Gaza’s Students, Shattered Dreams 6/22/2024


                                      Gaza’s Students, Shattered Dreams

Karim al-Masri, an 18-year-old student, should have been preparing for his final exams. Instead, he has been working to support his family by selling ice, as the war has devastated Gaza’s education system. According to the Palestinian Education Ministry, nearly 39,000 students in Gaza were unable to take their exams and graduate. The war has disrupted the education of at least 625,000 children, with more than 76 percent of Gaza’s schools requiring rebuilding or major rehabilitation.

Mr. al-Masri dreamed of studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza or the University College of Applied Sciences, both of which have been destroyed. His priorities have now shifted to supporting his family, and he is filled with agony as he walks past his school, now a shelter for displaced families.

Islam al-Najjar, another 18-year-old student, had also been preparing for her final exams before her school was turned into a shelter. She remains hopeful about graduating and dreams of studying abroad at prestigious universities like Harvard or Oxford. Despite the war putting a stop to everything, she continues to dream and question why their aspirations have been disrupted by the conflict.

The international community must take action to ensure the protection of these students’ futures and the restoration of their homes, schools, and hospitals. As General Powell once said, “We broke it, we own it.”

The only way to end this conflict is to end our conditional support to Israel, demand a withdrawal of all IDF soldiers from Gaza and the West Bank, end the bombing, end settler terrorism, and end the brutal occupation in exchange for the release of all hostages. The rebuilding of Gaza’s infrastructure should be a collaborative effort of the US, UK, other European, and Arab countries.

Secret Israeli Government Bid to Cement Control 6/22/2024

                                          Secret Israeli Government Bid to Cement Control 

Secret Israeli Government Bid to Cement Control of the West Bank to thwart a Palestinian State The recent revelation about Bezalel Smotrich's speech regarding Israeli control over the West Bank is deeply concerning. According to The New York Times, Smotrich, a far-right Israeli cabinet minister, detailed a covert plan to cement Israeli control over the West Bank, shifting governance from the military to civilians in his ministry. This plan, according to Smotrich, aims to prevent the West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state and to avoid accusations of formal annexation.

Smotrich's speech outlined how authority over settlement expansion, land expropriation, and infrastructure development has already been transferred to civilians under his control, bypassing military oversight. This gradual shift in governance suggests a strategic move to integrate the West Bank more closely with Israel without international backlash.

While the Israeli government officially maintains that the status of the West Bank is subject to negotiations, Smotrich's comments indicate a different agenda. This undermines the longstanding position that Israeli rule in the West Bank is a temporary military occupation, as ruled by Israel's Supreme Court. Instead, it points to a deliberate effort to establish permanent control.

The implications of this shift are significant. It not only challenges the prospects for a two-state solution but also exacerbates tensions with Palestinians who have long accused Israel of attempting de facto annexation. This covert strategy, if left unchecked, could further destabilize the region and hinder efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

"The Night Won’t End," 6/21/2024

                                               "The Night Won’t End,"

The newly released documentary, "The Night Won’t End," which exposes the egregious crimes committed by Israel’s IDF soldiers, including the gruesome torture and killing of aid workers in Gaza. As Israel’s war on Gaza extends into its ninth month, this documentary, premiering today on Fault Lines on Al Jazeera English, offers a crucial and harrowing perspective on the conflict.

"The Night Won’t End" meticulously documents the attacks on civilians by the Israeli military and examines the United States' role in perpetuating the war. The filmmakers collaborated with journalists in Gaza over several months, following three Palestinian families as they recount their horrific experiences and their ongoing struggle for survival amidst relentless Israeli assaults.

The film features poignant testimonies, including that of Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, who condemns the violations of humanitarian law and the denial of humanitarian assistance. The documentary also highlights the devastating impact on Gaza's more than 2 million inhabitants, with no family spared from the horrors of war.

Sharif Abdel Kouddous, a correspondent on the film, emphasizes the unprecedented scale of the atrocities, from the destruction of civilian infrastructure to the mass killings of civilians and U.N. workers. The film underscores the complicity of the U.S., as articulated by Josh Paul, who points out that the U.S. is well aware of the war crimes being committed and yet continues to provide arms to Israel.

Kavitha Chekuru, the film’s director, speaks to the incredible bravery of Palestinian journalists who, despite facing the same dangers as those they cover, continue to document and report on the ground. Their efforts have been vital in bringing the realities of the Gaza conflict to light.

"The Night Won’t End" is not just a documentary; it is a testament to the resilience and courage of those living and reporting from Gaza. It calls for a global reckoning with the ongoing humanitarian crisis and the need for accountability and justice.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

An Appeal to President Biden 6/21/2024

                                        An Appeal to President Biden

I write to you with deep concern over the unimaginable toll of Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, now in its ninth month. The conflict has resulted in the deaths of over 37,000 Palestinians, including approximately 16,000 children. These children are suffering immensely, facing severe hunger, disease, and homelessness. Thousands are malnourished and at risk of death, and 17,000 have been orphaned. The educational system is in ruins, with over 600,000 Palestinian students out of school for more than eight months. Israeli strikes have even targeted schools, including a UNRWA building in Khan Younis.

Mays Al-Masri, a displaced Gazan, described the dire situation: “There was a house next to us. The classroom where we shelter is damaged. I don’t know where we will sleep. We are 25 people in this classroom. Where will we sleep? We don’t know. We will have to sleep in the yard.”

I implore you to act immediately. Please implement a ceasefire and ensure the safe resumption of food, water, and fuel to Gazans. It is crucial to end all weapons sales and economic aid to Israel until these atrocities stop. The protection of children must be a priority.

Gaza’s forgotten children 6/21/2024


                                        Gaza’s forgotten children

Hunger, death, homelessness, orphanhood: The unimaginable toll of Israel’s war on Gaza’s children, funded by our tax dollars and aided by a compliant US-UK media, makes us complicit in the most horrific war crimes.

The relentless assault on Gaza by Israel, now in its ninth month, has exacted an unimaginable toll on the region's children. Since October 7, over 37,000 Palestinians have been killed, with approximately 16,000 of these victims being children. These young lives are among the most susceptible to the dire consequences of war, including disease and severe hunger. Thousands of children are malnourished and at risk of death, while 17,000 have been orphaned. The educational system is in shambles, with over 600,000 Palestinian students out of school for more than eight months. Israeli strikes have repeatedly targeted schools, including a UNRWA building in Khan Younis, devastating shelters for displaced Gazans.

Mays Al-Masri, a displaced Gazan, poignantly described the dire situation: “There was a house next to us. The classroom where we shelter is damaged. I don’t know where we will sleep. We are 25 people in this classroom. Where will we sleep? We don’t know. We will have to sleep in the yard.”

I implore concerned citizens to call The White House comment line at 202-456-1111 and demand an immediate ceasefire and the safe resumption of food, water, and fuel to Gazans, as well as an immediate end to all weapons sales and economic aid to Israel. President Biden and members of Congress urgently need to recalibrate their moral compass. Sadly, missing in Biden’s public statements is the critical need to protect children, which supersedes all other considerations.

Boeing, Choosing profits over safety 6/21/2024


                                   Boeing, Choosing profits over safety

Boeing CEO David Calhoun recently appeared before the Seate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to address ongoing safety concerns and the company’s response to numerous high-profile incidents. The hearing followed the release of a damning report highlighting Boeings failure to track substandard aircraft parts, the elimination of quality inspectors, and the delegation of safety checks to manufacturing workers.

Boeing has been under intense scrutiny since the tragic crashes of two 737 MAX jets in Indonesia (2018) and Ethiopia (2019), which claimed 346 lives. Calhoun began his testimony with an apology to the victims’ families, pledging a renewed commitment to safety. However, this apology has been criticized as insincere, especially given Boeings ongoing lapses in safety and retaliation against whistleblowers.

Senator Richard Blumenthal, chair of the subcommittee, underscored continued issues within Boeing, including nonconforming parts and concealed safety violations. He noted that the company appears to have violated a deferred prosecution agreement from 2021, suggesting that further prosecution is warranted.

In a poignant moment, Nadia Milleron, an aviation safety advocate whose daughter died in the Ethiopian Airlines crash, confronted Calhoun about his apology and the company’s broader ethical failures. Milleron highlighted that whistleblowers like John Barnett, who faced severe harassment for advocating safety, are often ignored or mistreated.

Milleron and other victims’ families are calling for aggressive prosecution of Boeing and its leaders, along with substantial fines to enforce compliance with safety standards. They propose an independent monitor to oversee Boeings adherence to its safety metrics, arguing that financial penalties are necessary to drive real change.

The Senate hearing and whistleblower revelations paint a troubling picture of a company prioritizing cost-cutting over safety. It is clear that without significant reform and accountability, Boeings culture of negligence will persist, endangering lives.

GAZA 6/20/2024



The current tragedy in Israel involves the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Gaza's terrified civilians through mass starvation and bombings. This dire situation is exacerbated by the encouragement of Palestinians to flee the country, often paying corrupt Egyptian officials exorbitant fees to escape. The IDF has targeted aid workers who are now fearful of driving into Gaza from Egypt. Although Israel has paused the fighting to allow aid, it claims that armed gangs are looting the trucks. Why can’t the IDF escort the trucks across the border? This pause seems like mere propaganda to satisfy the Biden administration’s demands rather than a genuine effort to provide humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, settler terrorism in the West Bank continues.

Despite a daily pause in fighting observed by Israel along a key road, over 1,000 truckloads of supplies remain stranded near the Kerem Shalom border crossing, just miles away from Palestinians who urgently need them. Trucks have been riddled with bullet holes by armed gangs, and the risk to employees’ lives has led aid agencies to stop sending goods into the territory. As a result, the Israeli military’s daily pause in fighting along the aid route has produced minimal humanitarian benefit.

Exploitation of Indigent Workers 6/20/2024


                                                          Exploitation of Indigent Workers

I am writing to highlight yet another grievous example of our collective inhumanity, where indigent workers are exploited by their callous employers. The recent tragic death of Satnam Singh, an Indian farm worker in Italy, underscores the severe maltreatment faced by vulnerable laborers.

Singh, 31, sustained a severe injury while operating machinery on a farm in Latina, near Rome, an area known for the exploitation of migrant laborers. Instead of receiving immediate medical attention, his employer allegedly abandoned him on a road outside his home with his severed arm. Despite the desperate pleas of Singh's wife, he was left to die. He succumbed to his injuries two days later at San Camillo Forlanini Hospital in Rome.

This appalling incident has prompted an investigation into the Italian employer for manslaughter, violation of workplace safety regulations, and failure to provide aid. Singh was working under perilous conditions for a meager €5 an hour, without a legal work contract. This case is not merely an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of barbaric exploitation prevalent in regions like Latina, where migrant laborers are treated as disposable commodities by unscrupulous employers.

Laura Hardeep Kaur, General Secretary of the Frosinone-Latina unit of the Flai Cgil union, rightly condemned this atrocity, highlighting the dire need for systemic change. She emphasized that Singh was discarded "like a bag of rags," revealing the inhumane disregard for migrant workers' lives.

This tragic event calls for urgent attention and action to protect vulnerable workers and ensure that such atrocities are not repeated. It is a stark reminder of the ongoing exploitation and the pressing need for comprehensive labor reforms and stricter enforcement of workplace safety regulations.

Environmental and Health Crisis in Gaza 6/19/2024


                                        Environmental and Health Crisis in Gaza

The United Nations has recently highlighted an escalating health crisis in Gaza due to the massive accumulation of debris from ongoing conflicts between Israel and Hamas. Over eight months of hostilities have resulted in more than 39 million tons of debris, creating severe health and environmental hazards.

The U.N. Environmental Program reports that this rubble contains dangerous substances such as unexploded ordnance, asbestos, and human remains. The destruction has severely disrupted essential environmental management systems, including water sources and wastewater treatment facilities. Consequently, Gaza's population faces significant health risks, with increasing cases of acute respiratory infections, diarrhea among young children, scabies, lice, and jaundice, as documented by the World Health Organization.

Furthermore, 330,000 tons of waste have accumulated in populated areas, posing catastrophic health risks. The U.N. Satellite Center revealed that around 65 percent of Gaza's road network is damaged, exacerbating the crisis. The destruction of sewage and waste management systems has forced residents to ration water and resort to unsafe sources, leading to exposure to harmful chemicals and pesticides.

UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinians, has accused the Israeli military of obstructing its efforts to address these hazards by restricting access to fuel and landfills. This blockade has hindered sanitation operations at a critical time when many facilities and equipment have been destroyed.

Gaza has become perilous for humanitarian workers, with at least 250 aid workers killed since the conflict's escalation in October, including nearly 200 UNRWA staff.

The international community must urgently address this compounded health and environmental catastrophe to prevent further loss of life and suffering in Gaza.

Holocaust Scholar Raz Segal Loses Univ. of Minnesota Job 6/18/2024


                            Holocaust Scholar Raz Segal Loses Univ. of Minnesota Job.

I am writing to express my concern over the recent decision by the University of Minnesota to rescind a job offer to Holocaust and genocide scholar Raz Segal. Segal, an Israeli American Jewish scholar, had been offered the position of Director at the university's Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. This offer was revoked following his characterization of the Israeli assault on Gaza as a "textbook case of genocide" and a subsequent campaign by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC).

Segal's remarks and scholarly stance have sparked significant controversy, with two board members resigning in protest and the JCRC labeling him an "extremist." Segal argues that he has been targeted because of his Jewish identity and his refusal to equate Jewish identity solely with Zionism. He describes the opposition against him as a "hateful campaign of lies and distortions" and condemns the university's decision as a grave threat to academic freedom and free inquiry.

Segal's situation highlights a troubling trend in academia, where political pressure can undermine legitimate hiring processes and stifle critical discourse. The rescinding of his job offer reflects a broader suppression of academic freedom, particularly concerning discussions around Israel's actions in Gaza. This sets a dangerous precedent for the integrity of educational institutions and their commitment to unbiased scholarship.

It is vital for universities to uphold the principles of free inquiry and resist external pressures that seek to dictate academic appointments based on political agendas. The support Segal has received from scholars worldwide and within the University of Minnesota underscores the importance of protecting academic freedom and fostering diverse perspectives in higher education.

Gaza amputations 6/18/2024


                                                     Gaza amputations

The tragic consequences of the ongoing conflict in Gaza are being felt most acutely by its civilian population. Reports of amputations resulting from Israeli bombings illustrate the severe impact of the violence. Medical supplies are scarce, and the blockade has delayed aid trucks carrying essential items. This has left doctors with no choice but to perform crude surgeries under dire conditions, as evidenced by Dr. Hani Bseso’s desperate kitchen table amputation of his niece's leg.

Access to medical care and clean water is severely limited in Gaza, heightening the risk of infection and complicating follow-up surgeries, prosthetic fittings, and rehabilitation. The story of Dr. Bseso's niece is just one among many, symbolizing the broader humanitarian crisis. Over 37,000 people have been killed and more than 85,000 wounded, including a significant number of amputees, overwhelming Gaza's already fragile healthcare system.

The international community must hold Israel accountable for the devastation it is causing, much of which appears to disregard civilian casualties. The suffering of Palestinians seems to be an intentional aspect of the Israeli regime’s strategy. As reported, Israel recently forced a truck loaded with medical supplies to turn back at the border without explanation, a stark example of the ongoing humanitarian blockade.

It is imperative that the world takes decisive action to ensure Israel pays reparations for the extensive harm inflicted on the Palestinian population. The principle of "Never again" must apply universally, and the international community must ensure that such atrocities are not repeated. As the principal weapons supplier, the United States is complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide. I urge concerned citizens to call the White House comment line at 202-456-111, 1and demand an immediate end to all military and economic aid to Israel, an immediate ceasefire, and the resumption of critical aid to Gaza.

Shame on Israel and the United States 6/14/2024

                                                        Shame on Israel and the United States

Shame on Israel and the United States, who continue to violate their sacred texts.

Children in Gaza continue to die of hunger. On Thursday, the World Health Organization confirmed 32 deaths from malnutrition — most of whom were children under 5. UNICEF reported nearly 3,000 children in southern Gaza have been cut off from treatment for moderate and severe acute malnutrition, putting them at risk of death.

Meanwhile, the U.N. reports that violence against children caught in armed conflict last year reached “extreme levels,” with a 21% increase in severe violations. The surge in violence occurred amid Israel’s relentless assault on the Gaza Strip — now in its ninth month.

Overnight, Israeli forces pushed deeper into the Shaboura refugee camp in southern Gaza. Elsewhere, one person was killed, and three children were wounded after Israel bombed a home in the Bureij refugee camp. Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza City killed at least 14 people. Meanwhile, Israeli forces killed at least three Palestinians in overnight raids in the West Bank.

What profits Israel when they starve and murder innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, especially children? They lose their very soul, aided and abetted by an aging President of America who feigns concern but continues to send $1 billion to kill more civilians.

Jewish law (Halacha) emphasizes the protection of children from harm. The Talmud contains numerous references to the responsibility of parents and the community to ensure children's safety and well-being. Children are seen as valuable and innocent beings deserving of protection and care.

In summary, the Abrahamic religions share a profound commitment to the rights and safety of children, advocating for their protection, education, and overall well-being as integral aspects of their religious and ethical teachings.

Global Armed Conflicts 6/14/2024


                                                   Global Armed Conflicts 

A recent report by the Peace Research Institute Oslo reveals a disturbing trend: the number of state-based armed conflicts has reached the highest level since the end of World War II. The conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Ethiopia, among others, have contributed to this alarming increase. Siri Rustad, the research director at the institute, emphasized that the last three years have been the most violent since the Cold War.

The United Nations Refugee Agency reports that the global displacement figure has now reached a record 120 million people. Filippo Grandi, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, highlighted the escalating displacement caused by conflicts, persecution, and complex forms of violence, often conducted with a blatant disregard for international humanitarian law.

The data, gathered from the Uppsala Conflict Data Program, shows that there were 59 state-based conflicts last year. Despite a decrease in the number of casualties compared to the previous year, due to exceptionally high death tolls in Ethiopia and Ukraine in the past, the overall trend remains worrying.

Lesser-reported but equally devastating conflicts in Ethiopia, the DRC, and Sudan have seen high death tolls, often overshadowed by conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. Rustad pointed out that the conflict in Ethiopia, particularly in the Tigray region, has resulted in more deaths than in Afghanistan since the end of the Cold War, highlighting the severe but underreported nature of this crisis.

Collecting accurate data in such conflict zones is challenging due to limited access and reporting. Organizations like UCDP rely on various sources, including news reports, NGO data, and social media, to compile and verify information, though these numbers are likely conservative.

This report underscores the critical need for increased attention and action to address these escalating conflicts and their devastating impact on global stability and human lives.

Erosion of free speech in Israel 6/13/2024

                                                    Erosion of free speech in Israel

Erosion of free speech in Israel’s ongoing terrorism, mass starvation & killing of Palestinian civilians, funded by our tax dollars The recent investigation of Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a Palestinian academic at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has sparked a significant debate about free speech and academic freedom in Israel. Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, who has taught law and social work for nearly three decades, became a focal point of controversy after she criticized the Gaza war and called for the abolition of Zionism.

Initially, her involvement began with signing a global letter calling for a cease-fire, which branded Israel's actions as "genocide." This led to her suspension by Hebrew University. Her continued outspoken views resulted in her detention in April and an ongoing investigation for incitement to terrorism, a charge that can result in up to five years of imprisonment.

The professor's case underscores a broader issue within Israeli society, where there appears to be a double standard in addressing violent rhetoric. Jewish Israelis often face less scrutiny for their statements, while Palestinian citizens and residents are frequently disciplined or investigated for similar expressions.

The situation has raised concerns among other academics and students about the erosion of free speech and the role of universities in this trend. Hebrew University and other institutions have faced criticism for not defending these freedoms robustly. The arrest and investigation of a professor for her views are unprecedented and troubling developments that point to a larger issue of political repression.

Russia's Recent Move 6/11/2024

                                           Russia's Recent Move

The recent move by Russia to abstain reflects the global community's growing frustration over the ongoing war and a desire to see it end. However, President Biden's actions, such as draping himself in the Israeli flag and sending another $1 billion in weapons to Israel, highlight a blatant partiality towards Israel. This contradicts the image of the United States as an impartial mediator and undermines its credibility on the international stage.

Historical context is important here. The roots of the current conflict trace back to 1948 when armed Jewish gangs (later evolving into the current IDF), funded by massive support from the United States, attacked Palestinians, displacing them from their ancestral lands. Today, Palestinians face continued violence and starvation, exacerbated by U.S. support for Israel's military actions. This support has severely damaged America's reputation worldwide.

The ceasefire plan, based on President Biden's proposal, aims for an immediate temporary halt to hostilities, progressing towards a permanent end to the war and the reconstruction of Gaza. It also calls for the release of hostages held by both sides. However, the plan's success is hindered by Israel's reluctance to accept a deal that leaves Hamas in power and demands the destruction of Hamas's military capabilities.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during his Middle East trip, emphasized the U.S.'s commitment to Israel's security (but not Palestinian security or an end to the suffocating occupation), the root cause of the conflict.

Reflecting on America's past, there was a time when the U.S. was admired for its positive contributions to the Middle East, such as building schools and hospitals. However, recent actions, driven by political agendas, have shifted this perception. The once-respected American foundations and aid organizations now seem entangled in political machinations, punishing ordinary people worldwide.

The U.S.'s late call for a ceasefire, after significant loss of Palestinian lives and destruction in Gaza, has only deepened skepticism about its intentions. The international community's support for the resolution, knowing its potential ineffectiveness, underscores the political nature of this move.

To genuinely foster peace, it might be time to reconsider who leads these negotiations. Perhaps empowering women, who often bring a different perspective to conflict resolution, could lead to more effective and compassionate outcomes.

Biden’s moving red lines 6/9/2024


                                                    Biden’s moving red lines

In a stark demonstration of unwavering support, President Biden has reiterated that U.S. backing for Israel remains ironclad while simultaneously warning Israel not to cross a line. This endorsement has effectively given Israel the green light to continue its military operations in Gaza, operations that have tragically resulted in the deaths of numerous innocent civilians.

Palestinians, once divided, now stand united behind Hamas, their shared suffering fostering profound and widespread animosity towards both Israel and the United States. Recent attacks, including a strike on a former United Nations school and residential areas, have resulted in the deaths of dozens of Palestinians, among them many women and children.

Weapons experts have noted a marked increase in Israel's use of the U.S. GBU-39 since early this year. This has not prevented significant loss of life. Amnesty International and other organizations have highlighted that even precision weapons like the GBU-39 do not eliminate civilian casualties and are a clear violation of international law.

The broader issue is why U.S. taxpayers are funding one of the worst autocracies in the world, which is causing unspeakable atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank. They are fostering a deep-seated hatred towards Israel and America across the globe, further complicating any prospects for peace and stability in the region. The United States must immediately halt further military and economic aid to Israel, demand an immediate ceasefire and resumption of food, water, and fuel supplies, and stop using mass starvation as a weapon of war. Finally, it must cancel its invitation of Prime Minister Netanyahu to Washington.

Biden embraces Autocracy of Israel 6/7/2024

                                         Biden embraces Autocracy of Israel

Biden lectures autocrats around the world but embraces  autocracy of Israel!

I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment over the recent Israeli airstrike that killed dozens of civilians at a shelter in Gaza, reportedly using U.S.-supplied munitions. This tragic event underscores a significant contradiction in President Biden's foreign policy stance, particularly as articulated during the D-Day ceremony.

In his address, President Biden stated, "And make no mistake: The autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in Ukraine, to see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. We cannot let that happen. To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable." These are powerful words, emphasizing the need to resist autocratic aggression and defend democratic principles.

However, President Biden's support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contradicts this message. Under Netanyahu's leadership, the Israeli Defense Forces have conducted a relentless 24-hour bombing campaign in Gaza, using U.S. weapons, resulting in the deaths of approximately 36,000 innocent civilians and the destruction of schools and hospitals. This has effectively turned Gaza into an uninhabitable graveyard and perpetuated the suffering of Palestinians in the West Bank.

By continuing to provide military support to Israel, President Biden is enabling one of the worst autocrats in the world, making us complicit in these atrocities. It is outrageous that President Biden has become a mere pawn of Israel’s ongoing genocide, mass murder, and mass starvation.

Shame on you, Mr. President. You have made all Americans complicit in these barbaric crimes against a defenseless population. I shudder to think what awaits you on the Day of Judgment!

Israel's Abuse of Palestinians 6/7/2024

                                                        Israel's Abuse of Palestinians

Israel’s appalling abuse of Palestinian prisoners I am writing to express my deep concern about the inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees at Sde Teiman, an Israeli military base in southern Israel. Recent reports reveal that detainees, including civilians with no ties to militant groups, have faced brutal conditions and abuse.

The detainees, often held without charges, have been subjected to beatings, electric shocks, and demeaning conditions, such as being forced to wear only diapers during interrogations. They are cut off from legal and familial contact for weeks, with their location withheld from rights groups and the International Red Cross, violating international law.

Interviews with former detainees and military personnel, as well as observations by UNRWA officials, paint a grim picture of the detention facility. The military's claim of humane treatment is contradicted by accounts of violence and neglect, resulting in severe injuries and deaths. Despite some soldiers being dismissed for excessive force, the systemic abuse continues.

The Israeli Supreme Court is now reviewing petitions to close the site, and the Israeli government has promised improvements. However, the international community must urgently address these violations to ensure the humane treatment of all detainees and uphold justice.

Every American should cringe over the gross abuse of their tax dollars. We must immediately defund Israel’s killing machine and gross human rights abuses.