Wednesday, June 26, 2024

GAZA 6/20/2024



The current tragedy in Israel involves the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Gaza's terrified civilians through mass starvation and bombings. This dire situation is exacerbated by the encouragement of Palestinians to flee the country, often paying corrupt Egyptian officials exorbitant fees to escape. The IDF has targeted aid workers who are now fearful of driving into Gaza from Egypt. Although Israel has paused the fighting to allow aid, it claims that armed gangs are looting the trucks. Why can’t the IDF escort the trucks across the border? This pause seems like mere propaganda to satisfy the Biden administration’s demands rather than a genuine effort to provide humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, settler terrorism in the West Bank continues.

Despite a daily pause in fighting observed by Israel along a key road, over 1,000 truckloads of supplies remain stranded near the Kerem Shalom border crossing, just miles away from Palestinians who urgently need them. Trucks have been riddled with bullet holes by armed gangs, and the risk to employees’ lives has led aid agencies to stop sending goods into the territory. As a result, the Israeli military’s daily pause in fighting along the aid route has produced minimal humanitarian benefit.

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