Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Israel's Abuse of Palestinians 6/7/2024

                                                        Israel's Abuse of Palestinians

Israel’s appalling abuse of Palestinian prisoners I am writing to express my deep concern about the inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees at Sde Teiman, an Israeli military base in southern Israel. Recent reports reveal that detainees, including civilians with no ties to militant groups, have faced brutal conditions and abuse.

The detainees, often held without charges, have been subjected to beatings, electric shocks, and demeaning conditions, such as being forced to wear only diapers during interrogations. They are cut off from legal and familial contact for weeks, with their location withheld from rights groups and the International Red Cross, violating international law.

Interviews with former detainees and military personnel, as well as observations by UNRWA officials, paint a grim picture of the detention facility. The military's claim of humane treatment is contradicted by accounts of violence and neglect, resulting in severe injuries and deaths. Despite some soldiers being dismissed for excessive force, the systemic abuse continues.

The Israeli Supreme Court is now reviewing petitions to close the site, and the Israeli government has promised improvements. However, the international community must urgently address these violations to ensure the humane treatment of all detainees and uphold justice.

Every American should cringe over the gross abuse of their tax dollars. We must immediately defund Israel’s killing machine and gross human rights abuses.

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