Thursday, June 27, 2024

Malnutrition Due to the Severe Starvation Imposed by Israel. 6/26/2024


              Malnutrition Due to the Severe Starvation Imposed by Israel.

Actually, Israel is imposing a collective punishment on the civilian population in the north of Gaza Strip. As you know, on the 13th of October, Israel issued forced evacuation orders to the residents in the whole of Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip. Those who did not comply with these forced orders are now facing a collective punishment by Israel for not complying with these orders. And while Israel allows, under severe restrictions, the goods and the aid to enter the southern and the central parts of the Gaza Strip, it completely bans any kind of food and any kind of aid into the Gaza City, and we are talking about dozens of people who have died due to malnutrition. Only last week alone, four Palestinian children have died due to malnutrition at Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip. We are now talking about over 5,000 Palestinian children in the north of Gaza who are at risk of dying due to malnutrition.

So, this is particularly an Israeli systematic tool of war, which it has used to starve the Palestinian population and to push them to come to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip. I have testimonies from people there who reported to me that amid the starvation of the Gaza Strip and the Gaza City in particular, the Israeli army, at checkpoints — when they cross the checkpoints, the Israeli army and Israeli soldiers tell the residents that “If you want to eat, go to the south.” So, this is like a kind of intimidation and forced displacement tool for Palestinians, that if they want to really live, they have to evacuate, to forcibly evacuate their homes and comply with Israeli orders to go to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip.

And this is why I think that Israel is allowing aid into the southern Gaza Strip. It’s not only for the mere, like, benefit of the residents, because they have been bombing also residents who are allowed to get some food here in the southern Gaza Strip, but I think that this is kind of like —

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