Thursday, June 27, 2024

Secret Israeli Government Bid to Cement Control 6/22/2024

                                          Secret Israeli Government Bid to Cement Control 

Secret Israeli Government Bid to Cement Control of the West Bank to thwart a Palestinian State The recent revelation about Bezalel Smotrich's speech regarding Israeli control over the West Bank is deeply concerning. According to The New York Times, Smotrich, a far-right Israeli cabinet minister, detailed a covert plan to cement Israeli control over the West Bank, shifting governance from the military to civilians in his ministry. This plan, according to Smotrich, aims to prevent the West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state and to avoid accusations of formal annexation.

Smotrich's speech outlined how authority over settlement expansion, land expropriation, and infrastructure development has already been transferred to civilians under his control, bypassing military oversight. This gradual shift in governance suggests a strategic move to integrate the West Bank more closely with Israel without international backlash.

While the Israeli government officially maintains that the status of the West Bank is subject to negotiations, Smotrich's comments indicate a different agenda. This undermines the longstanding position that Israeli rule in the West Bank is a temporary military occupation, as ruled by Israel's Supreme Court. Instead, it points to a deliberate effort to establish permanent control.

The implications of this shift are significant. It not only challenges the prospects for a two-state solution but also exacerbates tensions with Palestinians who have long accused Israel of attempting de facto annexation. This covert strategy, if left unchecked, could further destabilize the region and hinder efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

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