Saturday, June 8, 2024

Israel's Use of White Phosphorus in Lebanon 6/8/2024


                                Israel's Use of White Phosphorus in Lebanon

The recent report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) detailing Israel's use of white phosphorus munitions in southern Lebanon is alarming and highlights a serious violation of international law. Since October 2023, Israeli forces have dropped these incendiary weapons on at least 17 municipalities, causing significant civilian harm and widespread displacement.

White phosphorus is known for its horrific effects, including severe burns that can penetrate to the bone and cause lifelong suffering. According to Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health, at least 173 people have been injured due to these attacks. The resulting fires have not only destroyed homes and forests but have also turned populated areas into militarized zones, forcing many residents to flee.

HRW’s investigation, which included analysis of over 100 photos and videos and interviews with local residents and officials, confirmed the use of white phosphorus in civilian areas. This use of white phosphorus violates international humanitarian law, which prohibits indiscriminate attacks and mandates the protection of civilians during conflict.

Despite these findings, Israeli authorities have denied the unlawful use of white phosphorus, stating that their munitions are intended for creating smokescreens rather than causing harm. However, the evidence presented by HRW contradicts these claims, showing that these munitions have been used in ways that directly endanger civilian lives and property.

It is imperative for the international community to address this issue urgently. Israel must cease the use of white phosphorus in populated areas, and stronger international regulations are needed to prevent the misuse of incendiary weapons. Additionally, the Lebanese government should pursue legal action through the International Criminal Court to ensure accountability for these war crimes.

The international community's silence and inaction on this matter only embolden such violations. We must collectively advocate for the protection of civilians and uphold international laws designed to prevent such atrocities.


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