Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Biden embraces Autocracy of Israel 6/7/2024

                                         Biden embraces Autocracy of Israel

Biden lectures autocrats around the world but embraces  autocracy of Israel!

I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment over the recent Israeli airstrike that killed dozens of civilians at a shelter in Gaza, reportedly using U.S.-supplied munitions. This tragic event underscores a significant contradiction in President Biden's foreign policy stance, particularly as articulated during the D-Day ceremony.

In his address, President Biden stated, "And make no mistake: The autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in Ukraine, to see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. We cannot let that happen. To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable." These are powerful words, emphasizing the need to resist autocratic aggression and defend democratic principles.

However, President Biden's support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contradicts this message. Under Netanyahu's leadership, the Israeli Defense Forces have conducted a relentless 24-hour bombing campaign in Gaza, using U.S. weapons, resulting in the deaths of approximately 36,000 innocent civilians and the destruction of schools and hospitals. This has effectively turned Gaza into an uninhabitable graveyard and perpetuated the suffering of Palestinians in the West Bank.

By continuing to provide military support to Israel, President Biden is enabling one of the worst autocrats in the world, making us complicit in these atrocities. It is outrageous that President Biden has become a mere pawn of Israel’s ongoing genocide, mass murder, and mass starvation.

Shame on you, Mr. President. You have made all Americans complicit in these barbaric crimes against a defenseless population. I shudder to think what awaits you on the Day of Judgment!

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