Thursday, June 27, 2024

Julian Assange 6/26/2024

                                                Julian Assange

The recent release of Julian Assange has been a monumental event, particularly in Australia. Australian Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, a staunch advocate for Assange, described the publisher’s case as "a big deal" that transcended political divisions in the country. He highlighted the significant grassroots campaign by thousands in Australia and millions globally that brought Assange's plight to the attention of politicians.

The senator also underscored the importance of the close relationship between Australia and the United States in achieving this outcome. Public sentiment in Australia, bolstered by recent disclosures of war crimes by Australian and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, has shifted in favor of whistleblowers and press freedom, further supporting Assange's cause.

While Assange’s release marks a victory for him and his family, it also highlights ongoing concerns about journalism and press freedom. After years in solitary confinement, first in Belmarsh Prison and previously in an embassy, Assange’s return home is a relief to many. This outcome, driven by persistent grassroots efforts and diplomatic negotiations, underscores the power of collective advocacy and the importance of protecting journalistic freedom

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