Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Gaza amputations 6/18/2024


                                                     Gaza amputations

The tragic consequences of the ongoing conflict in Gaza are being felt most acutely by its civilian population. Reports of amputations resulting from Israeli bombings illustrate the severe impact of the violence. Medical supplies are scarce, and the blockade has delayed aid trucks carrying essential items. This has left doctors with no choice but to perform crude surgeries under dire conditions, as evidenced by Dr. Hani Bseso’s desperate kitchen table amputation of his niece's leg.

Access to medical care and clean water is severely limited in Gaza, heightening the risk of infection and complicating follow-up surgeries, prosthetic fittings, and rehabilitation. The story of Dr. Bseso's niece is just one among many, symbolizing the broader humanitarian crisis. Over 37,000 people have been killed and more than 85,000 wounded, including a significant number of amputees, overwhelming Gaza's already fragile healthcare system.

The international community must hold Israel accountable for the devastation it is causing, much of which appears to disregard civilian casualties. The suffering of Palestinians seems to be an intentional aspect of the Israeli regime’s strategy. As reported, Israel recently forced a truck loaded with medical supplies to turn back at the border without explanation, a stark example of the ongoing humanitarian blockade.

It is imperative that the world takes decisive action to ensure Israel pays reparations for the extensive harm inflicted on the Palestinian population. The principle of "Never again" must apply universally, and the international community must ensure that such atrocities are not repeated. As the principal weapons supplier, the United States is complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide. I urge concerned citizens to call the White House comment line at 202-456-111, 1and demand an immediate end to all military and economic aid to Israel, an immediate ceasefire, and the resumption of critical aid to Gaza.

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