Friday, June 28, 2024

Letter to President Biden 6/14/2024

                                                    Letter to President Biden

Dear President Biden,

Subject: Urgent Appeal for Ceasefire in Gaza: Protect the Innocent Children Shame on Israel and the United States for continuing to violate their sacred texts. Children in Gaza continue to die of hunger. On Thursday, the World Health Organization confirmed 32 deaths from malnutrition — most of whom were children under 5. UNICEF reported nearly 3,000 children in southern Gaza have been cut off from treatment for moderate and severe acute malnutrition, putting them at risk of death.

Meanwhile, the U.N. reports that violence against children caught in armed conflict last year reached “extreme levels,” with a 21% increase in severe violations. The surge in violence occurred amid Israel’s relentless assault on the Gaza Strip — now in its ninth month.

Overnight, Israeli forces pushed deeper into the Shaboura refugee camp in southern Gaza. Elsewhere, one person was killed, and three children were wounded after Israel bombed a home in the Bureij refugee camp. Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza City killed at least 14 people. Meanwhile, Israeli forces killed at least three Palestinians in overnight raids in the West Bank.

What profits Israel when they starve and murder innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, especially children? They lose their very soul, aided and abetted by an aging President of America who feigns concern but continues to send $1 billion to kill more civilians. This is not self-defense but horrific genocide.

Jewish law (Halacha) emphasizes the protection of children from harm. The Talmud contains numerous references to the responsibility of parents and the community to ensure children's safety and well-being. Children are seen as valuable and innocent beings deserving of protection and care.

In summary, the Abrahamic religions share a profound commitment to the rights and safety of children. Christianity also places significant emphasis on the rights and protection of children, drawing from teachings of Jesus and other Biblical texts: Innocence and Value: Jesus highlighted the importance of children, saying, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14).

Mr. President, killing and starving thousands of children is not self-defense. Please pick up the phone and order an immediate ceasefire, failing which no more weapons should be sent. Finally, end the occupation demanding equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians.

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