Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mass starvation & killing 4/27/2024

                                                    Mass starvation & killing

Mass starvation & killing making our nation complicit in genocide in Gaza & West Bank A panel of global hunger experts warned this week that the Gaza Strip was on the brink of famine, but to many Gazans, it feels as if it is already here. Almost half a million people in the territory face starvation. Each day brings a new struggle to find food. In Gaza, 34 people had died from malnutrition as of Sunday, the majority being children.

Food shortages have been reported across the enclave. The biggest challenge for many is preparing food due to a lack of cooking gas and firewood.

I urge all readers to recognize the severity of the situation and advocate for immediate humanitarian aid and intervention to prevent further loss of innocent lives.

I implore concerned citizens to call The White House comment line at 202-456-1111 and demand an immediate ceasefire, resumption of food, water, and fuel to Gazans, and an immediate end to all weapons sales and economic aid to Israel.

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