Thursday, June 13, 2024

Los Angeles Times Op-Ed and Opinion pages. 6/13/2024


                                Los Angeles Times Op-Ed and Opinion pages.

 We expect submissions to be offered exclusively to the Los Angeles Times; we do not generally publish things that have already appeared elsewhere. If you have submitted your piece to more than one media outlet, or if it has already appeared online or in print, please let us know immediately.

 Also, if you have any potential conflict of interest, please let us know that immediately. Potential conflicts might include having been paid by a third party to write the piece or writing it at someone else’s direction, having any kind of financial interest in the subject you are writing about or working for an organization that has a financial interest in the subject. If you have a conflict of interest it does not automatically mean that we would reject your piece, but we may disclose the conflict in the text or the author’s bio.

 It is preferred that the text of the article be submitted in the body of the email message. Attachments may not be viewed for security reasons. Be sure to include day and evening telephone numbers and a one-line biography of the writer. The typical length of a Times’ op-ed article is 750-850 words.

 We regret that the volume of submissions means that we cannot respond individually to each article, nor can we provide feedback to proposals or queries. If we are interested in publishing your submitted article, you will hear from a Times editor within three business days. If you haven’t received a response in three business days, you can consider that the piece has been declined and you are free to submit it elsewhere.


Thank you for your interest in the Los Angeles Times.

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