Saturday, August 31, 2024

Growing Health Crisis in Gaza 8/31/2024

                                                           Growing Health Crisis in Gaza

The recent polio outbreak in Gaza is a stark reminder of the dire consequences of the ongoing conflict and the humanitarian crisis it has created. Relentless bombing in Gaza has forced Palestinian civilians to be constantly on the move, often without access to adequate vaccination, food, or clean water. These conditions have directly contributed to a resurgence of polio, with a 10-month-old baby now paralyzed in one leg due to the virus. This is Gaza's first confirmed polio case in 25 years, and it poses a threat of further spread.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been alarming numbers of diarrhea cases, respiratory infections, lice, scabies, and suspected hepatitis A. International agencies are now rushing to provide over 1.6 million doses of oral poliovirus vaccine to immunize children under the age of 10. However, this reactive approach does not address the root causes of the health crisis in Gaza.
The ongoing conflict has decimated hospitals and clinics. This has severely limited Gaza’s ability to provide basic healthcare and disease prevention services. The current crisis, exacerbated by constant airstrikes and ground combat, makes Israel and the United States complicit in the humanitarian disaster affecting young children.
The situation in Gaza requires immediate international intervention to stop the violence and ensure access to essential health services. Failing to act will not only continue to harm the people of Gaza but could also lead to a broader public health crisis. It is imperative that the global community holds accountable those responsible for these actions and works to restore peace and stability in the region.
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Friday, August 30, 2024

Ms. Harris’s Views on Israel Spell Doom for Palestinians 8/30/2024

                                            Ms. Harris’s Views on Israel Spell Doom for Palestinians

In a recent interview with CNN, Vice President Kamala Harris stated, "Let me be very clear: I am unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself."
Ms. Harris, nonstop 24-hour bombing, mass starvation, attacking food convoys, and torturing thousands of innocent civilians in Israeli dungeons has nothing to do with self-defense. It is a systematic annihilation of a defenseless population. It is the antithesis of what the world's great religions teach us. Continuing the failed Israel policy of Mr. Biden is a prescription for the complete annihilation of the Palestinian people. I hope and pray you can summon enough courage to reverse course and stand up for human rights. Hundreds of innocent Palestinians are being horribly tortured, facing monumental genocide and depravity epitomized by Israel’s actions.
Yousef Munayyer, head of the Palestine-Israel program at the Arab Center Washington DC, rightly described Harris’s statements as extremely disappointing. He highlighted the administration’s unwavering military support for Israel and its ongoing brutal occupation, dating back to 1948, which many view as enabling a genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza. The numbers speak for themselves: tens of thousands dead, millions displaced, and widespread destruction of infrastructure. While Harris’s emphasis on a ceasefire is commendable, it is not enough when the U.S. continues to supply arms that fuel the conflict.
The media's role in holding political leaders accountable is crucial. However, this interview failed to challenge Vice President Harris on the U.S.'s continued support of Israel's military actions. As Munayyer pointed out, public opinion has shifted significantly, with growing numbers of Americans, including Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans, supporting an end to arms shipments to Israel. It's troubling that the current administration remains out of step with this shift, choosing instead to stand behind an outdated policy that exacerbates violence and suffering.
The administration's refusal to engage with Palestinian voices, even at the Democratic National Convention, signals a lack of political will to address this ongoing crisis. Vice President Harris's statements suggest a continuation of policies that contradict both international and American laws regarding the use of military aid. It is time for a genuine commitment to peace and justice, one that holds all parties accountable and prioritizes human rights above political alliances.
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Gender apartheid in Afghanistan: A Call for Global Action 8/30/2024

                                 Gender apartheid in Afghanistan: A Call for Global Action

The recent news of the Taliban enforcing a law in Afghanistan that bans women’s voices in public and requires them to completely cover their bodies, including their faces, is deeply alarming. Since the Taliban's return to power in 2021, they have systematically stripped women of their rights, ending girls' education beyond primary school and banning women from working in most fields. These measures, now codified, amount to nothing less than gender apartheid, as Dr. Sima Samar, an Afghan human rights advocate, rightly points out.
This draconian law is enforced by the morality police, aiming to erase women from public life entirely. Women are silenced, rendered invisible, and stripped of their dignity, all for the "crime" of being women. This is not only a gross violation of human rights but also a crime against humanity that has no parallel in any other regime worldwide.
The international community must not turn a blind eye to these atrocities. It is crucial for global leaders, human rights organizations, and everyday citizens to raise their voices and demand an end to this oppressive regime. Afghan women, through their brave defiance on social media, have shown us that they will not be silenced. We must support them by continuing to advocate for their rights, applying pressure on the Taliban, and ensuring that the world does not normalize this gender-based oppression.
This is not just an Afghan issue; it's a global call to defend the fundamental rights of women everywhere. The time for action is now.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Biden-Harris gives the green light for ethnic cleansing in the WB 8/29/2024

                                           Biden-Harris gives the green light for ethnic cleansing in the WB

The recent escalation of violence in the occupied West Bank is deeply alarming and requires urgent international action. Israel's largest military operation in over two decades, involving raids on multiple cities and refugee camps, has resulted in the deaths of at least 18 Palestinians and injuries to many more. The use of fighter jets, drones, and bulldozers in densely populated areas like Jenin highlights the systematic brutality against Palestinian civilians.
Ahmed Tobasi, artistic director at the Freedom Theatre in Jenin, poignantly described the scene as one of fear and helplessness. He emphasized that these aggressive tactics are part of a broader strategy to forcibly displace Palestinians, a claim supported by ongoing settlement expansion and repeated military incursions. The reported targeting of hospitals and blocking of exit points in Jenin is reminiscent of the violence witnessed during the Second Intifada, suggesting a deliberate campaign to terrorize and displace the Palestinian population.
The silence and complicity of the international community, particularly the United States, are disheartening. Continued U.S. military aid to Israel is seen as a green light for these operations, raising ethical and moral concerns. The international community must act now to end this violence and support efforts for peace, justice, and self-determination for the Palestinian people.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

V.P. Harris & Social Justice 8/28/2024

                                                     V.P. Harris & Social Justice

As a longtime supporter of human rights, I've watched with growing apprehension the recent rebranding of Vice President Kamala Harris. Portrayed as relatable and charismatic, the narrative paints her as a beacon of hope and unity. However, embracing this image requires turning a blind eye to significant issues—such as the administration’s ongoing support for policies that harm Palestinians.
While Kamala Harris's speeches often address social justice, they fall short when it comes to the Middle East. Her acknowledgment of Palestinian suffering is vague, lacking direct criticism of those responsible for the violence and oppression. This ambiguity makes it difficult to reconcile her platform of justice and accountability with the reality of American foreign policy in the region.
American society often seeks clear-cut narratives of heroes and villains, positioning itself on the side of justice and democracy. Yet, the situation in Gaza challenges this simplistic view. Grassroots movements, like Uncommitted, call for a cease-fire and a reevaluation of U.S. military aid to Israel. These are not fringe demands but calls for a consistent ethical stance.
The real test for any political leader lies not in symbolic gestures or identity markers but in a commitment to genuine justice. True accountability means addressing not only domestic issues but also foreign policies that undermine human rights. To move forward, it is essential for leaders to align their actions with their rhetoric, thereby building a future grounded in consistent and principled justice.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Human Rights Watch 8/27/2024

                                                       Human Rights Watch'

 Human Rights Watch's recent report on the arbitrary detention and torture of Palestinian healthcare workers by Israeli forces is deeply alarming. The harrowing testimonies from doctors, nurses, and paramedics who have been blindfolded, beaten, and subjected to horrific abuses such as electric shocks and sexual assault cannot be ignored. These healthcare workers, committed to saving lives, are facing unimaginable suffering simply for fulfilling their humanitarian duties.

Eyad Abed, a surgeon from Beit Lahia, recounted relentless beatings and cruel treatment despite his pleas that he was a medical professional. Such accounts of brutal violence, coupled with reports of detainees being held in metal cages and even witnessing the deaths of fellow prisoners, highlight a pattern of severe mistreatment. This constitutes not only a violation of human rights but also of international humanitarian law, which mandates the humane treatment of detainees.
The involvement of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is crucial. Israel must be held accountable for these alleged war crimes. The complicity of the United States and European countries, through continued military support for Israel, only exacerbates this situation, making them complicit in the ongoing atrocities.
We must demand transparency, accountability, and an end to the torture and unlawful detention of Palestinian healthcare workers. The silence of the international community, especially the United States and the UK, is not just a failure of morality but a failure of justice.
Finally, the murder, starvation, and horrific torture occurring in Israeli prisons against the finest of humanity—doctors and healthcare workers—are reminiscent of Auschwitz-Birkenau during World War II. Such inhumane treatment is a grave violation of human rights and dignity, echoing some of the darkest chapters in history. It is crucial that the international community holds those responsible accountable and ensures that such cruelty does not continue unchecked.

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Saints and the merchants of death 8/26/2024

                                               Saints and the merchants of death

Kate Forbes's moving essay, "Humanitarians Are Dying. Why Doesn’t the World Care?" highlights a pressing and tragic issue: the rising number of humanitarian aid workers losing their lives in conflict zones. It is heart-wrenching to learn about the deaths of dedicated individuals like Mohammed Al-Omari and Amit Man, who gave their lives to save others. This year alone, 187 humanitarian workers have been killed, and the numbers are on track to reach unprecedented levels.
Forbes rightly points out that long-standing norms protecting humanitarian workers are being eroded, and misinformation further exacerbates their vulnerability. These men and women, often from the communities they serve, work tirelessly to provide care in times of crisis
Their deaths should be a call to action for governments and international organizations to renew their commitment to safeguarding the lives of those who dedicate themselves to helping others.
Republicans and Democrats alike falsely conflate support for “Israel’s right to defend itself” with maintaining a continuous supply of weapons of death, ensuring the annihilation and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, reminiscent of the Holocaust.
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Sunday, August 25, 2024

The DNC and America's Global Image 8/25/2024

                                               The DNC and America's Global Image

The Democratic National Convention in Chicago concluded with Vice President Kamala Harris accepting the presidential nomination, culminating in a week of carefully planned political spectacle. What struck me most was the level of choreographed theatrics. Despite the incessant chants of “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” throughout the week, the reality is starkly different: America's global prestige has never been lower, nor has it been more discredited around the world than it is today.
A few examples of regime changes 
The convention's optics, with Palestinian flags effectively blocked by the overwhelming presence of American flags, felt deeply disingenuous. While delegates and speakers offered compassionate words, these did little to change the reality of the ongoing war and violence, particularly the bombings in Gaza that have claimed the lives of countless civilians, including innocent women and children.
As an independent and undecided voter, it is challenging to find enthusiasm for the Democratic Party at this moment. The display of orchestrated unity at the convention seemed to mask the uncomfortable truths about America's foreign policies, including its support for military aggression and attempts at regime change. The disconnect between the rhetoric of democracy and human rights and the actions of the U.S. government is glaring, leading to widespread cynicism both domestically and internationally.
In a time when genuine leadership and honesty are crucial, the spectacle of the DNC did little to inspire confidence or hope for meaningful change.
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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Exclusion of Palestinian American voices. 8/24/2024

                                              Exclusion of Palestinian American voices.

The recent Democratic National Convention highlights a critical issue that needs immediate attention: the exclusion of Palestinian American voices. Despite days of private negotiations, the Harris campaign refused to allow a Palestinian American to take the stage, sparking frustration among uncommitted delegates and leading to a sit-in outside the United Center. These uncommitted delegates, elected in state primaries, were pushing for an end to the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s military actions in Gaza and advocating for a U.S. arms embargo.
Among the voices silenced was Georgia State Representative Ruwa Romman, the first Palestinian elected to public office in her state. Romman’s prepared speech called for justice and equal rights, highlighting a growing multifaith, multiracial coalition within the Democratic Party that seeks to end the violence and promote peace. Her exclusion underscores a troubling trend where Palestinian perspectives are marginalized, even within a party that claims to champion diversity and human rights.
This silencing of Palestinian Americans not only undermines the principles of free speech and democracy but also alienates a significant portion of the party’s base. If the Democratic Party is truly committed to justice and equality, it must make room for all voices, especially those advocating for peace and human rights in Palestine. The party’s greatest strength lies in its ability to unite diverse perspectives, and it is time to leverage that strength for meaningful dialogue and action.
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The Hidden Tragedy of War: Gaza's Orphaned Children

                                     The Hidden Tragedy of War: Gaza's Orphaned Children

While Democrats in the United States were celebrating Vice President Kamala Harris’s nomination and waving flags, 6,300 miles away, American bombs were killing and maiming Palestinian civilians, creating thousands of orphans in Gaza. The war in Gaza has torn families apart, leaving children without parents and parents without children. The scale of this tragedy is so vast that aid groups cannot even begin to count the number of orphans.
Medical staff in Gaza report that children are left to wander hospital hallways alone, often labeled as "wounded child, no surviving family." Babies lie in neonatal units without anyone to claim them. In Khan Younis, a volunteer-run camp shelters more than 1,000 children who have lost one or both parents. Some children have lost their entire families and are listed as “only survivors.” Amid the chaos, no one knows exactly how many children have lost track of their parents—or lost them for good.
The United Nations estimates that at least 19,000 children are now separated from their parents, many living with relatives or other caretakers. However, the actual number is likely much higher due to the intense bombing and displacement in Gaza, where children make up a large proportion of the population.
Tens of thousands of lives have been shattered, with children being the most vulnerable. These children, some of whom have been left with life-altering injuries, face a future filled with uncertainty, trauma, and limited support. If peace ever returns to Gaza, these children will need shelter, education, and mental health care to rebuild their lives.
The international community must acknowledge this humanitarian crisis and take immediate action to protect and support the innocent children caught in this devastating conflict. Biden’s “bridging ceasefire” is a non-starter. The only way forward is to declare a total embargo on weapons sales to Israel, secure the release of all hostages, and establish a permanent ceasefire.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Urgent Need to Address Gender-Based Violence in India 8/23/2024

                                 Urgent Need to Address Gender-Based Violence in India

The recent rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor in Kolkata have reignited urgent concerns about the safety of women in India. This tragic event has cast a glaring spotlight on a recurring issue that severely tarnishes India's aspirations of being a global leader. The thousands of medical professionals and civilians protesting on the streets reflect the nation's collective outrage and demand for justice.
Despite legal measures and workplace harassment guidelines implemented after the 2012 gang rape of Nirbhaya in New Delhi, these protections remain largely ineffective. The lax implementation of laws, unprofessional handling of sexual assault cases, and ingrained societal prejudices against women contribute to a deeply dysfunctional system. As Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud emphasized, India cannot afford to wait for another brutal crime to push for meaningful change.
Women in India face daily threats of sexual violence, whether at work, on public transportation, or even within their homes. The persistent danger has not only hindered women's safety but has also placed the onus of their protection on themselves and their families. Such circumstances significantly limit the freedom and opportunities of women, stunting the progress of half the nation's population.
It is crucial that the government and law enforcement agencies take immediate, concrete action to prevent such heinous crimes. This includes properly training personnel, ensuring prompt and professional investigations, and holding those responsible accountable. Only by fostering a society that genuinely respects and protects women's rights can India hope to emerge as a true global leader.

Shameful exclusion of Palestinian voices at the DNC 8/23/2024

                                    Shameful exclusion of Palestinian voices at the DNC

The recent sit-in protest by delegates from the Uncommitted National Movement and their supporters outside the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is a powerful reminder of the ongoing marginalization of Palestinian voices. The refusal by the DNC and the Harris campaign to allow a Palestinian speaker on the main stage, while providing a platform to the family members of Israeli hostages, highlights a glaring double standard. This act has rightfully sparked outrage among progressives and advocates for Palestinian rights.
Representative Ilhan Omar aptly criticized the hypocrisy of advocating for a ceasefire while continuing to supply weapons to Israel, stating, "If you really wanted a ceasefire, you just stop sending the weapons. It is that simple." Her words resonate with those who see the United States' actions as contradictory and complicit in the ongoing violence.
The disbanding of the group Muslim Women for Harris-Walz in protest is a strong statement against the Democratic Party’s handling of this issue. Their decision reflects the deep sense of betrayal felt by many who believe that Palestinians deserve the right to speak about their experiences and advocate for peace and justice.
The violence in Gaza continues unabated, with innocent civilians, particularly children, bearing the brunt of the conflict. The ongoing attacks, such as the bombing that claimed the life of a young boy in Khan Younis and another that struck a school in Gaza City, killing and injuring more children, underscore the urgent need for a genuine commitment to ceasefire and peace.
It is time for the Democratic Party to listen to these voices and acknowledge the human rights of all people, including Palestinians. Failing to do so not only alienate progressive voices within the party but also perpetuates the cycle of violence and suffering.
Finally, it is time for the corporate media to break their long silence and demand an immediate embargo on military weapons to Israel, an end to the suffocating occupation in Gaza and the West Bank, release of all the hostages and a permanent ceasefire.
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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gaza’s Forgotten Children 8/22/2024

                                                   Gaza’s Forgotten Children

The recent report by Defense for Children International Palestine sheds light on deeply troubling allegations against Israeli forces regarding their treatment of Palestinian children in Gaza. The accusations include detaining and torturing children, using them as human shields, and intentionally separating them from their families. Harrowing testimonies from survivors detail horrific abuse: boys forced to strip naked, walk with their hands bound in front of Israeli tanks and bulldozers, being beaten, denied water, and threatened with dogs. Sixteen-year-old Abdulmunim's account of being blindfolded, tied up, and beaten alongside his younger brother is particularly distressing.
These accounts are not just isolated incidents; they reveal a pattern of inhumane treatment that cannot be ignored. The international community must hold Israel accountable for its actions, and the U.S. must reassess its unwavering support for Israel, particularly given these serious human rights violations. The growing outrage among uncommitted voters in battleground states and protesters outside the DNC in Chicago demonstrates a clear demand for change in U.S. policy. President Biden's continued support for Israel, despite these allegations, is increasingly at odds with the values of justice and human rights that many Americans hold dear.
We must listen to the voices of those who are calling for justice and take a stand against the mistreatment of Gaza's most vulnerable. The world cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinian children any longer.
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British diplomat resigns over Gaza war 8/22/2024

                                            British diplomat resigns over Gaza war

The recent resignation of British diplomat Mark Smith sheds a harsh light on the ethical crisis surrounding the UK's—and by extension, our own government's—continued military aid to Israel. As someone deeply involved in the Middle East arms export licensing assessment, Smith's decision to step down, citing the UK's complicity in war crimes, cannot be taken lightly. His assertion that Israel is committing war crimes "in plain sight" raises urgent questions about our own government's role in enabling these actions.
It is concerning that Smith's warnings, even when brought to the attention of Foreign Secretary David Lammy, were seemingly disregarded. This suggests a troubling disconnect between the UK's legal obligations and its foreign policy decisions. The UK must re-examine its stance on arms sales and ensure that it does not become complicit in the perpetuation of violence and human rights abuses.
The international community should applaud Smith’s ethical stand in exposing Israel’s horrific war crimes, which President Biden and Vice President Harris falsely defend as “Israel’s right to self-defense.”
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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Doctor speaks out over mass killings of children in Gaza 8/21/2024

                                    Doctor speaks out over mass killings of children in Gaza

I am deeply moved by the accounts shared by Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, who has worked as a medic in Gaza. Her testimony sheds light on the harrowing realities faced by the people of Gaza and the immense challenges that healthcare professionals encounter in this conflict zone. As Dr. Haj-Hassan pointed out, the Israeli military campaign is not only targeting lives but also the very infrastructure necessary for survival, rendering the work of physicians nearly impossible.
The horrors described, including the targeting of children and the devastation of entire families, underscore the urgent need for international intervention. The stories of doctors haunted by the faces of parents asking why they didn’t do more to save their children are a call to action for all of us.
It is heartbreaking to hear that children in Gaza are wishing for death because of the unbearable conditions they face. This is a tragic indictment of the ongoing military actions and the international community's failure to stop them.
Dr. Haj-Hassan’s experiences challenge the narrative that civilian lives are being protected. Her firsthand accounts suggest that much more must be done to safeguard innocent lives.
We must demand an immediate embargo of military weapons to Israel. This makes a complete mockery of the Biden-Harris repeated mantra, “Israel has the right to defend itself.” This is US-Israel mass murder & mass starvation.

Gaza & the DNC 8/21/2024

                                                           Gaza & the DNC

The Gaza war has been met with a deafening silence from the Democratic National Convention (DNC) stage, raising serious doubts about Secretary of State Antony Blinken's claims regarding ceasefire talks. As the Israeli military orders forced evacuations in central Gaza, signaling an expansion of ground operations, the plight of the Palestinian people continues to worsen. The Health Ministry in Gaza reports that over 50 Palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to more than 40,200. Yet, the DNC barely acknowledges this humanitarian crisis, with Gaza mentioned only in passing.
The Democratic Party’s platform, adopted this week, fails to call for an arms embargo on Israel, instead reaffirming unwavering U.S. support. Rewarding Israel with $20 billion more in aid amidst this genocide is not leadership; it's capitulation and a complete lack of moral fiber. President Biden may claim he "gave it all," but his refusal to align with justice has only precipitated the danger of a wider regional conflict. The DNC missed a crucial opportunity to save precious lives, instead caving to the pressures of the Israeli lobby. The only hope now lies with the voices of the people in the streets, whose protests may be the last chance to save Palestinian lives.
As human rights lawyer Zaha Hassan, a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, aptly put it, "There’s been an almost competition between Democrats and Republicans on 'how much can we show Israel that we support them and that we have their back?' Why should Israel ever compromise its positions if they know that by holding out, they’ll get more weapons from the U.S.?"
The ongoing expansion of Israel's military operations, including the recent evacuations in Deir al-Balah and the deadly airstrike on a market in the city, only highlights the urgent need for a change in U.S. policy. The DNC’s failure to address this crisis is a grave misstep that could have dire consequences for the region and the world. Shame on Biden and Harris!
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Arab Americans Express deep frustration 8/21/2024

                                        Arab Americans Express deep frustration 

The Arab American community is poised to have a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election, particularly in swing states like Michigan. Home to the largest Arab population in the U.S., Michigan has seen a groundswell of political activity among Arab voters, many of whom are deeply frustrated by U.S. support for Israel’s actions in Gaza. Despite numerous meetings between community leaders and high-level officials in the Biden administration, there has been little to no movement toward changing policies that continue to support Israeli military operations. Osama Siblani, founder of The Arab American News, has been at the forefront of this effort. After multiple discussions with top Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign team, Siblani expresses a sentiment shared by many in the Arab American community: their concerns are being heard, but no meaningful action has followed. The ongoing violence in Gaza only intensifies their frustration. This frustration has led to unprecedented political mobilization, with hundreds of thousands of Arab American voters casting "uncommitted" ballots in the Democratic primaries—a clear message that they demand change. For the first time, the Democratic National Convention is hosting a panel on Palestinian human rights, a step that is welcomed but still falls short of the urgent action needed. The lack of concrete steps to address the violence in Gaza is pushing many to consider sitting out the election altogether—a stark warning to the Democratic Party. The Arab American community’s message is clear: their support cannot be taken for granted, and continued inaction could cost the party dearly in key battleground states. For more go to:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Remembering Phil Donahue 8/20/2024

                                                         Remembering Phil Donahue

The passing of Phil Donahue marks the end of an era in American television, where a talk show host was unafraid to tackle the most pressing social and political issues of his time. From the 1960s through the early 2000s, Donahue pioneered a new kind of daytime television that dared to engage with topics like women’s rights, racism, and the Middle East—subjects that were often considered too controversial for mainstream media.
Donahue’s career was defined not just by his willingness to confront these issues but also by the courage to provide a platform for voices often silenced by corporate media. His 20 Emmy Awards and Peabody Award reflect the impact he had on American culture, but his firing from MSNBC in 2003—despite hosting the network’s highest-rated show—reveals the uncomfortable truth about media’s role in shaping public opinion. Donahue’s antiwar stance during the lead-up to the Iraq War made him a liability in a time when networks were more interested in flag-waving than in critical journalism.
Phil Donahue was not just a television host; he was a voice for peace and justice, a voice that corporate media found too dangerous to keep on the air. His legacy serves as a reminder of the power of the media to both inform and manipulate, and of the importance of protecting spaces where dissenting voices can be heard. As we remember his life, we should also reflect on the current state of our media landscape and the need for more voices like Donahue’s.

Arab Americans Express deep frustration 8/20/2024

                                     Arab Americans Express deep frustration

The Arab American community is poised to have a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election, particularly in swing states like Michigan. Home to the largest Arab population in the U.S., Michigan has seen a groundswell of political activity among Arab voters, many of whom are deeply frustrated by U.S. support for Israel’s actions in Gaza. Despite numerous meetings between community leaders and high-level officials in the Biden administration, there has been little to no movement toward changing policies that continue to support Israeli military operations.
Osama Siblani, founder of The Arab American News, has been at the forefront of this effort. After multiple discussions with top Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign team, Siblani expresses a sentiment shared by many in the Arab American community: their concerns are being heard, but no meaningful action has followed. The ongoing violence in Gaza only intensifies their frustration.
This frustration has led to unprecedented political mobilization, with hundreds of thousands of Arab American voters casting "uncommitted" ballots in the Democratic primaries—a clear message that they demand change. For the first time, the Democratic National Convention is hosting a panel on Palestinian human rights, a step that is welcomed but still falls short of the urgent action needed.
The lack of concrete steps to address the violence in Gaza is pushing many to consider sitting out the election altogether—a stark warning to the Democratic Party. The Arab American community’s message is clear: their support cannot be taken for granted, and continued inaction could cost the party dearly in key battleground states.
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Monday, August 19, 2024

Mass murder & intimidation by settler terrorists funded by our tax dollars 8/19/2024

                           Mass murder & intimidation by settler terrorists funded by our tax dollars

The tragic attack on the village of Jit, as reported in "A Family Flees and a Mother Mourns After Israeli Settlers Attack a Palestinian Village," highlights a grave and ongoing crisis in the West Bank. The brutality inflicted upon innocent civilians, including the murder of Rasheed al-Seda and the terrorization of families like the al-Sidee's, is a stark reminder of the unchecked violence settlers are able to perpetrate with impunity. The Israeli military's delayed response, despite their acknowledgment of the attack, only exacerbates the sense of injustice and fear felt by Palestinians.
The current Israeli government’s policies, particularly those advanced by far-right members, have emboldened such violent acts, turning a blind eye to the human cost of their expansionist ambitions. The international community must recognize that this is not just a series of isolated incidents but part of a broader strategy that threatens the very existence of Palestinian communities in the West Bank.
The suffering of families like the al-Sidee's and the grief of mothers like Iman al-Seda should not be ignored. Their voices, their losses, and their fears must be heard and addressed. This is not just a Palestinian issue or an Israeli issue—it is a human rights issue that demands global attention and action.
This is the tragic legacy of the Biden-Harris administration who have allowed such barbarity.
e go to:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Upholding U.S. Law and Human Rights in Our Foreign Policy 8/18/2024

                                        Upholding U.S. Law and Human Rights in Our Foreign Policy

I am writing to express my concern and to offer a potential path forward regarding U.S. policy on Israel and its ongoing military genocide actions in Gaza.
The ongoing protests calling for an end to U.S. support for Israel's military actions highlight a significant challenge. Many activists are advocating for an arms embargo against Israel, a position your foreign policy advisor, Phil Gordon, has ruled out. However, outright refusal to consider such measures risks alienating key progressive supporters, especially in pivotal states.
There is a principled stance you could take that would neither require endorsing an arms embargo nor alienating your base: enforcing the Leahy Law. This legislation prohibits U.S. assistance to any foreign security force unit that commits gross human rights violations unless the foreign government takes adequate punitive action. Despite its clear intent, the Leahy Law has never been applied to Israel, even though credible allegations of human rights abuses by Israeli security forces exist.
A former State Department official, Charles Blaha, who oversaw the enforcement of the Leahy Law from 2016 to 2023, has pointed out that while most countries are held accountable under this law, Israel has consistently received special treatment. This failure to apply the law to Israel not only undermines U.S. legal standards but also weakens our commitment to a "rules-based order."
By advocating for the consistent enforcement of the Leahy Law, you can take a strong, principled stance that upholds U.S. law and reinforces our nation's commitment to human rights. This approach would signal a clear break from the current administration's near-unconditional support for Israel.
It would also demonstrate that, as a former prosecutor, you are committed to upholding the law, no matter how challenging the circumstances.

Ms. Harris’s dilemma 8/18/2024

                                                       Ms. Harris’s dilemma

The situation Vice President Kamala Harris finds herself in is precarious. As she rallies Democrats, she is simultaneously facing criticism from protesters demanding an end to U.S. support for Israel's military actions in Gaza. These activists are calling for an arms embargo, a step her foreign policy advisor, Phil Gordon, has ruled out. However, outright refusal risks alienating progressives in key states and sparking tensions at the upcoming Democratic convention.
There is a viable path for Ms. Harris that goes beyond simply advocating for a ceasefire and acknowledging the tragic loss of civilian lives in Gaza. Without endorsing an arms embargo, she could make a significant statement by pledging to enforce U.S. law, specifically the Leahy Law. This legislation prohibits U.S. assistance to any foreign security force unit that commits gross human rights violations, unless the foreign government takes adequate punitive action.
Despite its existence, this law has never been applied to Israel, even though numerous Israeli security force units have committed  appalling abuses. A former State Department official, Charles Blaha, who oversaw the enforcement of the Leahy Law from 2016 to 2023, highlighted that while most countries faced scrutiny, Israel received special treatment, with decisions ultimately resting with top political appointees rather than career officials.
The failure to apply the Leahy Law to Israel undermines both U.S. law and the Biden administration's commitment to a "rules-based order." Ignoring the recommendations of State Department experts and global human rights groups to continue supporting units of the Israeli military, despite allegations of grave human rights violations, is not only absurd but also lawless.
If Kamala Harris truly stands against lawlessness, as she claims, she should advocate for the consistent enforcement of the Leahy Law, without exception. Such a stance would not only uphold the principles of U.S. law but also send a powerful message that human rights are universally important.
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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Who are the terrorists?

                                                                                  Who are the terrorists?

"Terror" is defined as intense fear or dread, often induced deliberately by acts of violence, intimidation, or threats. The term is commonly associated with actions intended to cause widespread fear, panic, or coercion, especially for political or ideological purposes. In this context, "terror" often refers to the psychological impact of such acts, which aim to undermine a sense of safety and security.
By this definition, relentless 24-hour bombing of a civilian population, primarily women and children, would be described as terrorism. Additionally, those supplying weapons for such acts could be considered complicit in terrorism. It would be impossible and absurd to construe these acts as legitimate defense.
This begs the question: with well over 40,000 civilians crushed to death and blown into small pieces by the Israeli military, why aren't these acts considered terrorism? And should the suppliers of these weapons of death also be labeled as terrorists?
As “self-assigned arbiters of morality,” the Biden-Harris administration needs to take a hard look at their misguided policies. What you sow, so shall you reap. Further rewarding Israel with another $20 billion in weapons sales to commit further acts of terrorism on a defenseless population is unconscionable.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu has effectively moved the goalposts again, claiming he wants a “total victory,” exposing Israel, the United States, and regional actors to endless cycle of conflict.
Well done, Biden-Harris you let the Netanyahu genie out of the bottle and have shown over and over again you cannot control him.
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Thursday, August 15, 2024

"Welcome to Hell," 8/15/2024

                                                                   "Welcome to Hell,"

 B'Tselem, the Israeli human rights organization, recently released a bombshell report titled "Welcome to Hell," shining a spotlight on the horrific conditions in Israeli prisons. In this report, B'Tselem highlights the inhumane treatment that Palestinian detainees have endured in Israeli detention facilities since October 7. The interviews conducted with dozens of inmates, nearly all of whom were released without charges, reveal a disturbing pattern of routine abuse. Both men and women, young and old, consistently described experiences of harsh violence, sexual assault, intentional humiliation, starvation, unhygienic conditions, sleep deprivation, prohibition of religious practices, confiscation of belongings, and denial of medical care. These testimonies, gathered from different facilities, suggest that Israel's prison system has operated as a network of torture camps for Palestinian detainees. Thousands have been held for weeks or months in subhuman conditions, exposed to relentless violence and cut off from the world, often with no legal proceedings. In some cases, this torture ended in death. Since the Gaza war began, at least 60 Palestinians have died in Israeli custody.

Israel’s new incarceration policy continues a long history of dehumanizing Palestinians and denying them their rights. For decades, Israel has used imprisonment as a tool to suppress Palestinians. Since 1967, more than 800,000 Palestinians from the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip have been imprisoned. Such abuses are reminiscent of the worst atrocities committed by the Nazi regime.
This makes a complete mockery of the Harris-Biden administration’s repeated mantra that “Israel has the right to defend itself.”
Sen. Sanders is right when he said, “Israel does not deserve another nickel.”
Shame on Harris-Biden for rewarding such abuses.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Silence Is Complicity 8/14/2024


                                                                       Silence Is Complicity

While many Republicans profess to be “pro-life,” most lawmakers, alongside the Harris-Biden administration, approved $20 billion in new arms sales to Israel, including scores of fighter jets to continue its rampage on the civilian population of Gaza.
Nearly 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza, according to official reports. However, the true casualty figures are likely much higher, with thousands unaccounted for. Meanwhile, Israeli forces have raided towns and villages across the occupied West Bank, and settlers, under military protection, have repeatedly stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in recent days.
The Israeli bombardment of Gaza continues, with 36 Palestinians killed in the last 24 hours alone, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Among those killed were two newborn twins, a boy and a girl, just 4 days old. Their father, while registering their births at a local government office, learned that the home where they were sheltering near Deir al-Balah had been bombed, killing the twins, their mother, and their grandmother. Since October, 115 newborns have been killed in Gaza. According to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, of the nearly 17,000 Palestinian children killed by Israel in Gaza over the past 10 months, approximately 2,100 were babies under the age of 2.
The vast majority of Gaza’s population has been forcibly displaced, often multiple times. According to the U.N., around 84% of Gaza’s territory has been placed under evacuation orders by the Israeli military.
In the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces have raided towns and villages across the territory. In the northern town of Tammun, Israeli forces seized the bodies of four Palestinians killed in a drone strike. Over the past 10 months, Israeli forces have increasingly used aerial strikes in the occupied West Bank, a practice largely unseen in the territory since the end of the Second Intifada in 2005. In the South Hebron Hills, Israeli forces demolished six more homes in the Bedouin community of Masafer Yatta. In occupied Jerusalem, hundreds of Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound for the second straight day under the protection of Israeli security forces.
Reverend Munther Isaac posted on social media, "The U.S. is funding the genocide. Faith leaders must speak up. Words of 'concern' and void calls for peace are not enough. Speak truth to power. Silence is complicity."

Monday, August 12, 2024

Israel and the United States' barbarism and terrorism increases exponentially. 8/12/2024


            Israel and the United States' barbarism and terrorism increases exponentially.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has reached unprecedented levels of horror, as evidenced by the recent bombing of the al-Tabin school, where over 100 Palestinians were killed. This tragedy, which claimed the lives of innocent civilians, many of whom were praying in a mosque at the time of the attack, has left us grappling with the stark reality of war's brutality.
The use of a U.S.-made GBU-39 small-diameter bomb in this attack, as confirmed by CNN, has resulted in indescribable devastation. The fact that medics were left to collect the remains of the dead in plastic bags is a heartbreaking testament to the sheer violence of this strike. It is not just the loss of life that shocks the conscience, but the manner in which these lives were taken—destroyed beyond recognition, their identities reduced to "pieces of people," as Palestinian journalist Shrouq Aila so poignantly described.
Israel's claim that this was an attack on a Hamas headquarters has been debunked by the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, which reports that many of the alleged targets were either previously killed in earlier attacks or were civilians unaffiliated with Hamas. This raises serious concerns about the accuracy of the intelligence used to justify such a devastating assault and the moral implications of targeting locations where civilians are known to seek refuge.
The broader context of this tragedy cannot be ignored. With the official death toll in Gaza approaching 40,000 and the majority of victims being under the age of 30, the toll on the civilian population is staggering. The destruction of schools and hospitals, which should be sanctuaries of safety, underscores the systematic nature of the violence being inflicted upon the people of Gaza.
The real purpose seems to be the complete annihilation of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank to create a “greater Israel.” These horrific crimes would not be possible without the active support of our government. Another $3.5 billion of WMK (weapons of mass killing) have been sent to Israel to ensure the killing will continue unchecked. Shame on Biden-Harris and Netanyahu, who have ignored the lessons of our great spiritual masters: “Thou shall not kill.”
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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Political expedience triumphs overJustice 8/11/2024

                                             Political expedience triumphs overJustice 

 Contrary to her alleged concern for the unrelenting terrorist attacks killing innocent civilians in Gaza and the settler terrorism in the West Bank, Vice President Harris's national security adviser has refused to impose an arms embargo on Israel. This refusal effectively gives a green light for Israel's killing machine to continue its rampage under the tired and misleading refrain that "Israel has a right to defend itself." The genocide will continue unchecked, regardless of who becomes the next occupant of the White House.

This will go down in history as a moment where political expedience triumphed over justice and basic human rights. The occupation of the indigenous population has succeeded with the help of a morally bankrupt United States and other Western powers who are supporting this genocide. Shame on Biden-Harris and Trump alike.
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Friday, August 9, 2024

Layla Elabed urges Harris "change her policies if you want our vote" 8/9/2024

                                   Layla Elabed urges Harris "change her policies if you want our vote"

Recently, Layla Elabed of the National Movement met briefly with Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate faces growing pressure to define her platform on Palestine. Elabed spoke with Harris before her rally in Michigan, urging her to support a ceasefire in Gaza and an arms embargo on Israel.
Michigan voters want to support you, Vice President Harris, but we need a policy change that will save lives in Gaza right now. Our community members are losing tens, even hundreds, of family members. We need more than sympathy or empathy; we need action. We are asking if you will engage with us about an arms embargo and meet with those of us who are uncommitted.
Layla Elabed expressed the urgency of this issue, stating, “Right now, we need a policy change that will save lives. Until that happens, I don’t see Michigan voters coming to support Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the general election. We are demanding that this collective punishment of Palestinians end. We need a policy change that will protect our family members, our loved ones, and our people in Gaza right now. We want an end to this unconditional, unchecked flow of weapons and funding from our American taxpayer dollars to a far-right-wing government.”
It is time for a shift in policy that prioritizes saving lives and ending the suffering in Gaza.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Close Gitmo! 8/6/2024

                                                       Close Gitmo!

There is no proof that the alleged perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, who are incarcerated at Guantánamo Bay, confessed without coercion. After enduring gruesome medieval torture, they eventually provided “confessions”. This raises the question: Is the United States a beacon of world order or disorder?
Former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are guilty of committing some of the most barbaric acts at "black sites" hidden from the American public's view. Who would not “confess” after being waterboarded over 100 times? Additionally, why did Saudi Arabia, which had 15 out of the 19 hijackers, seemingly receive a free pass? Do we worship oil more than justice?
It's time to close Guantánamo Bay and return the land to its rightful owners, Cuba. The cost of maintaining the prison is exorbitant, with $13 million spent per prisoner annually, compared to $78,000 per prisoner in supermax federal prisons. The disparity is staggering and unjustifiable. What an appalling waste of taxpayer funds.
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Monday, August 5, 2024

Israeli airstrikes 8/5/2024

                                                   Israeli airstrikes

 Recent reports of Israeli airstrikes on schools functioning as shelters, resulting in the death of at least 30 people, are an absolute outrage. It is disheartening to see that many of the victims were civilians seeking refuge, including children, who paid the ultimate price in this ongoing conflict.

It appears that, under the guise of attacking Hamas, Israel is deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians, particularly women and children, as a means of cleansing the entire population to annex Gaza and the West Bank.
While the Israeli military claims, without proof, to target Hamas "command and control centers," civilians are clearly bearing the brunt of these attacks. The tragic loss of life, particularly among those in inadequate temporary shelters, raises serious questions about the measures taken to protect non-combatants. International law mandates the protection of civilians during conflict, regardless of whether one party exploits their presence as human shields.
It is imperative that the international community, including the Harris-Biden administration, take a firm stand to address these atrocities and work towards a peaceful resolution. The scenes of destruction, mourning, and confusion should prompt immediate action to prevent further loss of innocent lives. The world must not remain silent in the face of such tragedies.
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U.S. must end support to Israel 8/5/2024

                                                        U.S. must end support to Israel

Why are we spending our tax dollars defending Israel, a country that has forcibly taken Palestinian land with brute force since 1948 (the Nakba) and has acted in opposition to stated U.S. goals of achieving a ceasefire and releasing hostages? Their actions have escalated conflicts, including targeted killings in Iran.
Our government seems to have an innate tendency to use muscular force contrary to the ethical teachings of our spiritual leaders, subjugating weaker nations and stealing their resources. For instance, in 1953, we overthrew the democratically elected government in Tehran to please the British, who benefited from stolen Iranian oil. Former President Trump then torpedoed the Iran nuclear deal, but it was Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who further undermined efforts by opposing the deal and causing greater hostility with Iran. The newly elected Iranian leader had expressed a desire for warmer relations with the U.S. in exchange for sanctions relief, but Netanyahu's actions, including the assassination of an Iranian leader, have created an almost certain possibility of a wider conflict.
Why do we consistently rush to defend a "client" state that works against our interests and disregards the sanctity of non-Jewish lives, particularly the Palestinians? This reveals the Biden-Harris administration's inability to control its client state. It is time we Americans demand an end to unconditional support for Israel, which has shown total disregard for Palestinian lives.
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DJT in hot water again, coverup by former AJ Barr? 8/5/2024

                                   DJT in hot water again, coverup by former AJ Barr?

The recent revelations by The Washington Post regarding the Egyptian government's alleged attempt to funnel $10 million to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign are deeply concerning. This new information, uncovered by journalists Carol Leonnig and Aaron Davis, indicates that a Department of Justice investigation into the matter was abruptly closed by then-Attorney General Bill Barr, citing "a lack of sufficient evidence."
The Post's report suggests a troubling narrative of potential foreign influence on a U.S. presidential candidate. The cash withdrawal, which amounted to 200 pounds, was made from a state-run bank in Cairo just days before Trump's inauguration. The implications are serious: if the money had indeed reached Trump's campaign, it could constitute bribery and raise significant questions about the integrity of the election and the potential compromise of a sitting president.
Furthermore, the report highlights how Trump, during his presidency, shifted U.S. policy in favor of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. This included releasing millions in military aid despite concerns over Egypt's human rights record. The relationship between Trump and el-Sisi, referred to by Trump as "my favorite dictator," warrants scrutiny, especially in light of these new allegations.
The decision to halt the investigation into these serious allegations is concerning, particularly given the subsequent actions of the Trump administration toward Egypt. While the statute of limitations may prevent legal repercussions, the public deserves transparency and accountability from their leaders. The full details of this case and any potential foreign influence on our political processes must be thoroughly investigated and disclosed.

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DJT in hot water again, coverup by former AJ Barr? 8/5/2024

                                                      DJT in hot water again, coverup by former AJ Barr?

The recent revelations by The Washington Post regarding the Egyptian government's alleged attempt to funnel $10 million to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign are deeply concerning. This new information, uncovered by journalists Carol Leonnig and Aaron Davis, indicates that a Department of Justice investigation into the matter was abruptly closed by then-Attorney General Bill Barr, citing "a lack of sufficient evidence."
The Post's report suggests a troubling narrative of potential foreign influence on a U.S. presidential candidate. The cash withdrawal, which amounted to 200 pounds, was made from a state-run bank in Cairo just days before Trump's inauguration. The implications are serious: if the money had indeed reached Trump's campaign, it could constitute bribery and raise significant questions about the integrity of the election and the potential compromise of a sitting president.
Furthermore, the report highlights how Trump, during his presidency, shifted U.S. policy in favor of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. This included releasing millions in military aid despite concerns over Egypt's human rights record. The relationship between Trump and el-Sisi, referred to by Trump as "my favorite dictator," warrants scrutiny, especially in light of these new allegations.
The decision to halt the investigation into these serious allegations is concerning, particularly given the subsequent actions of the Trump administration toward Egypt. While the statute of limitations may prevent legal repercussions, the public deserves transparency and accountability from their leaders. The full details of this case and any potential foreign influence on our political processes must be thoroughly investigated and disclosed.

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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Is KH black or brown, poor DJT is confused? 8/3/2024

                                   Is KH black or brown, poor DJT is confused?

I recently stumbled upon a new pastime—guessing games with Donald Trump! You see, our former President seems to have developed an intense fascination with Kamala Harris's ethnic background, oscillating between calling her "Indian" or "Black." It's almost as if he's playing a game of "Guess Who?" but instead of flipping down little character cards, he's flipping out over skin tones!
Perhaps we should consider a new reality show: "Trump's Ethnic Guessing Game!" Contestants could vie for fabulous prizes by trying to guess what ethnicity Trump thinks Kamala Harris is today. Will she be Indian, Black, Jamaican, or some new hybrid he invents on the spot? Extra points if you can decipher his pronunciation!
But why stop there? Let's add a twist: Trump could host a daily segment called "Color Commentary," where he speculates on what color Kamala's skin might be under different lighting conditions. "Folks, under this studio lighting, she could be mocha, but in the sun, she's a perfect caramel macchiato!" We could even have a spin-off: "Melanin Mysteries," where Trump guesses the percentage of melanin in various public figures!
All jokes aside, it seems our former President is less interested in policies and qualifications and more fascinated by the melanin count of our Vice President. Perhaps he's considering a career pivot to dermatology? If so, I'd suggest he start with a good look in the mirror. It might reveal some shades of orange he hasn't considered.
In all seriousness, it’s time to focus on the issues that matter and leave the skin color commentary to the skincare experts. Let's appreciate the diversity of our leaders without trying to box them into a particular shade or ethnicity. After all, in the colorful tapestry of America, it's the content of character that truly counts—not the shade of the skin.
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Israel’s war on children 8/3/2024


                                                                  Israel’s war on children

Recent investigations by ProPublica and Al Jazeera, reveal a dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It has been confirmed that hundreds of shipments of food, fresh water, and medical supplies are being deliberately held up at border crossings, exacerbating the suffering of Gaza's most vulnerable population, particularly its children. The deliberate targeting of journalists, resulting in the deaths of many, appears to be a vain attempt to silence the truth about this unfolding catastrophe.
The Biden-Harris administration and their supporters will bear the consequences of their complicity in Israel’s actions, which have included using starvation as a weapon of war. This situation is a stark and horrific reminder of the atrocities of the Holocaust, whose victims must surely be weeping in their graves.
The conditions on the ground in Gaza are harrowing. Reports from medical professionals like Dr. Mohammed Harara describe a situation where maggot-infested wounds are left untreated due to a lack of medication and basic hygiene supplies. The consequences are fatal, as these conditions lead to sepsis and death. The malnourishment crisis is severe, with many suffering from micronutrient deficiencies and acute malnutrition, leading to a deterioration in health that prevents recovery.
British vascular surgeon Mahim Qureshi, who volunteered in Gaza, witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of these conditions. The stark reality is that many people, including children, are suffering from advanced diseases and infections due to lack of access to fresh food and medical care. The inability to heal from injuries is further compounded by poor hygiene and infection control, which are direct consequences of the blockade.
The comparison to anorexia nervosa, as described by Dr. Harara, highlights the severe psychological and physical toll of malnutrition. The deterioration is not just physical but also mental, as people are left to grapple with their bodies shutting down.
While efforts by organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières continue, the blockade and conflict have made it nearly impossible to provide adequate care. The use of makeshift solutions, like operating in inadequate facilities with improvised equipment, underscores the desperate situation.
Dr. Harara’s account of working tirelessly since October 7 reflects the exhaustion and hopelessness felt by many on the ground. The world must act to prevent further suffering and to ensure that Gaza's people do not become mere historical footnotes in a tale of preventable tragedy